In the Meme Time

The useful idiots of the Left are an endless source of Leftist memes to tear apart and debunk. I follow them on social media so I can get these gems.

This is today’s installment and it’s a beauty.

Like many Leftist memes, this one contains a hint of truth to trap the unwary and deceive them into Leftist thinking (if such a thing exists.) Don’t be fooled by it.

Let’s start with the hint of truth. Medicare is bad. That’s about all the truth it contains. Medicare is bad because it is socialized healthcare funded by taxes and government ran. The percentage of taxes is irrelevant. The government has no business providing or administering healthcare services.

Remember that the Boston Tea Party happened because of a half-cent tax. It’s the tax funding and government control that makes it bad. In reality it makes it evil and wicked. But going down that rabbit hole is beyond the scope of this article.

Yes it’s too expensive because it is forced through taxation and theft.

The top part of this meme is completely off the mark. Paying my so-called health insurance through my employer at any is neither good, capitalist, or affordable.

Capitalism believes in the free market. Health insurance is not in the free market place at all. It is restricted by the states. If this was a free market insurance system, all plans would be available in all areas without the state imposed burdens and red tape. Additionally, health care providers would have to publish their fees for all procedures before you have any. That would enable the consumer to shop around.

Or even better, eliminate health insurance all together and have the consumer negotiate with their provider directly instead of going through a middleman that might deny the charge and claim. That would be the most capitalist way of handling healthcare.

And finally, the last bit is somewhat true. The Left does propagandize that more government, more taxes, and less freedoms and rights are the better way to go. From the ads we see on TV, all of social media, the garbage out of Hollywood, and what is being taught in the government ran schools is nothing but propaganda that demonizes the United States, a Republican form of government, and capitalism.

In the Meme Time

Another Leftist meme. This time they have gotten everything wrong. Usually, they have some truth but not this one. It’s completely false.

First of all the image doesn’t depict a nativity scene at all. This looks more like people traveling somewhere. To be a nativity scene it must show the process or circumstances of being born. There is no birth scene here. This is not the scene right after birth either.

The creator of this meme, and the useful idiots that propagate it, are woefully ignorant of the term “nativity” and the story of the birth of Jesus from the Gospels.

Secondly, what they are actually trying to say is also a false narrative as well. I have written about that before in a similar posting.

This meme is a total fail.

Ignorant Meme

There is a meme going around on Social Media right now that was so poorly thought out it just makes me laugh. Of course the useful idiots are posting and re-posting it every day.

So where to begin with the flaws of this meme? It obviously a half baked idea, much like most of the Left’s so-called “thoughts.”

Well we will start at the beginning.

Its a letter to the editor of a printed newspaper. I think only the Left still reads those rags. And without Social Media anything in a newspaper doesn’t stand a chance of getting any circulation in the world these days. Not a very good start.

Nothing is less patriotic than giving up your arms to another nations military. The is the definition of surrender. I don’t think that the author of the letter even knows what patriotism is or how it works.

Not a lot of Americans, patriotic or otherwise, even OWN an assault weapon. But this shows the ignorance of both the author and the Left who continue to put out this kind of garbage. They really mean any semi-automatic rifle, which is most of them. But none of them are assault weapons by definition.

Then how does the desired outcome happen? One cannot mail weapons or ammunition through international mail. That and sending American weapons to a foreign nation, you would need to send ammunition too otherwise it would be worthless.

To have them shipped, would be an expensive and logistical undertaking. Sending weapons to a foreign nation’s military would be a violation of any number of treaties and international agreements.

Thus causing the senders to be war criminals at the least if not plunging America herself into this war and escalating the scope of the conflict.

Again, the idea is bunk to begin with and there is no way to implement the idea either. What fools are those who believe this kind of nonsense.

In the Meme Time

Nothing is wrong with us.

Always remember government funded is taxpayer funded. Your dime and your dollars being used to pay something else where you want it or not. Governments don’t have any income that is not taken from the people.

So no TV or radio advertising in Norway. That does leave print advertising which may or may not be negative.

What isn’t indicated in the meme is that Norway is a Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy. That means the head of state is their hereditary King. The head of government is a prime minister (appointed by their one house parliament.)

Norway also has a multi party political system. No one party ever has the majority. It is a coalition government that can change with the wind.

Norway’s high voter turn out is due to the multi party system and the universal voter registration in a national database.

As mentioned previously, Norway has a unitary parliament. That is one house of parliament. Unlike the United States that has a 2 house legislative body. Also in Norway one votes for the parliament members nationwide. The “out of state” influence we in the USA despise.

I give my own money to candidates I choose to support. Yes they do get large donations from corporate interests and wealthy donors. That does mean that I’m not footing the bill for the election through taxes. I don’t want my taxes going to a political party that is against everything I stand for in life.

Negative advertising is as old as politics. There is Roman graffiti on the walls of Pompeii that is still readable today that are negative political advertisements. Yes it could be outlawed but that would make politics boring.

Voter turn out in the USA is lower than it should be in my opinion. And it’s due to voter apathy and voter ignorance. People don’t think their vote counts. But the recent congressional elections in Iowa show that it does. The vote was 6 votes different for one congressional race. Just 6 votes. Your vote does count.

In the USA, we are a Constitutional Republic. There are local elections, district elections, state-wide elections, and national elections. We have a 2 house legislature. The House and the Senate. The House is elected by region and the Senate elected state-wide.

In the USA, someone in Iowa doesn’t vote for some representative for another district or an other state like they do in Norway.

In the USA, we also cast a popular vote for our Head of State and Government. In Norway this is 2 separate positions not decided by the people at all in either case. Also the Prime Minister of Norway hold Executive and Legislative powers. Thus there is no separation of power in Norway.

If anyone should make a change. It should be Norway not the USA.

Of course if you prefer the Norwegian way over that of the USA. You may always try to immigrate there. So here’s how to become a citizen of Norway.
1) You must have a job offer waiting for you there
2) You must be able to financial support yourself and any dependents
3) Residency for 7 years
4) You need to be fluent in Norwegian
5) You need to pass a citizenship test

In the Meme Time

Well this little meme likes to come up in different versions across Social Media. The Left is of course attempting to repeat a lie often enough until it is believed. But a rational mind will see through these lies while the useful idiots will believe the lie hook, line, and sinker.

While it is true that there is no national or international organization called “antifa” with membership cards. There is a movement called antifa. That is well organized in various cells across the United States and probably beyond.

The problem with history is no one studies it or learns it any more. It’s all been sanitized to make the United States look like an evil oppressive state of decay. Although the hint of truth is there the meme doesn’t give the whole story.

Antifa is a loan word from the German Antifa, where it is a shortened form of the word antifaschistisch (“anti-fascist”) and a nickname of Antifaschistische Aktion (1932–1933), a short-lived group which inspired the wider antifa movement in Germany.

Antifa is a political movement in Germany composed of multiple far-left, autonomous, militant anti-fascist action groups and individuals who describe themselves as anti-fascist. And was setup by the Stalinist Communist Party of Germany.

That is where Antifa comes from and what Antifa really means and represents. A Leftist pro Socialist, anarchist, anti-Capitalist, militant group that hides their identities when engaging in blatant criminal activities including assault, denial of right to assemble of other groups, arson, and murder.

World War II veterans were never Antifa because they believed in the American dream which Antifa does not.

Anyone who is against fascism is not Antifa. Antifa is a Leftist movement just as fascism itself. Those that champion Liberty, Justice, and Freedom are not Antifa as they are against all forms of Leftist movements and governments including fascism and Antifa.

It is true that anyone can be Antifa. But anyone who is has been brainwashed into thinking Marxism or it’s bastard children can lead to a utopia. And it never has since everywhere it has been tried has failed.

No one should be Antifa, unless you enjoy causing pain and suffering to others who disagree with you. Or you revel in criminal activities and mayhem.

Take a look at Antifa’s symbol. A black flag over a red flag. That is the anarchist flag over the socialist flag. Nothing really more needs to be said.

In the Meme Time

Oh where to begin with this AOC Leftist nonsense. Might as well start at the top.

Bailing out anything is not the responsibility of the government. I am from a farm state. Our primary industry is agriculture. Bailing out farms is not being fair. We shouldn’t subsidize farmers for any reason.

Banks, like any other industry, are not too big to fail. If they do stupid business practices. They should FAIL. That would be far better for our economy than preventing the banks from failing.

Giving trillions to billionaires? Isn’t that making them trillionaires? But of course this is false trap statement of the Left’s war on economic classes. In relationship to the evil of income tax.

So that’s the top taken care of lets look at the bottom half of this completely backwards meme.

First of all Vets. There is no hand out to veterans. They should get taxpayer funded health care, education, housing, and everything else under the sun. They signed the dotted line and elected to pay the ultimate price if necessary for our Freedom and Liberty. Honor them all. If they need assistance, give it to them.

Homeless people. Here society is upside down. The Left wants government to do the job of the Church. And the Church is letting them. So no money from taxpayers should be going to this at all. Get the government out of it.

Insurance for the sick. Isn’t that like getting fire insurance on your house AFTER it has burned down. It doesn’t work that way. I have other posts where things need to change for the insurance and medical industry. Again this isn’t the job of the government so no taxpayer money should be going to this either.

Food for children. Here again we have reversed roles in society. The government has taken over the jobs of the Church. We need to fix this and have the Church do it’s job so government can do it’s job too. Again no taxpayer funds being sent here.

Social Security for the Elderly. Wait a minute. Aren’t we all paying FICA tax for this? Of course though this socialist utopia idea never counted on longer lifespans and an explosion of an elderly population. Here again this is something the government and taxpayer money shouldn’t be going too. This is personal responsibility or the responsibility of the Church or family if the elderly are having trouble.

And that sums it all up. The Leftist meme is always promoting socialism and trying to use emotion to say your rational thinking. Don’t be a useful idiot.

In the Meme Time

Well I’m trying to make a come back to my own blog here. So I’m going to do one of my favorite subjects to write about. Leftist Memes.

The internet and social media are full of these. And they are a great source of material that needs to be addressed. So that’s what I’m going to do with this one.

First of all this meme says that some segment of the population of the United States has been propagandized into believing something that isn’t true. So we will first look at that:

(from Wikipedia)
Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts in order to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language in order to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is being presented. Propaganda is often associated with material which is prepared by governments, but activist groups, companies, religious organizations, the media, and individuals also produce propaganda.

In the 20th century, the term propaganda was often associated with a manipulative approach, but historically, propaganda has been a neutral descriptive term.

A wide range of materials and media are used for conveying propaganda messages, which changed as new technologies were invented, including paintings, cartoons, posters, pamphlets, films, radio shows, TV shows, and websites. More recently, the digital age has given rise to new ways of disseminating propaganda, for example, bots and algorithms are currently being used to create computational propaganda and fake or biased news and spread it on social media.

Given that definition the Meme is incorrect. Because the whole rest of it’s message is based on it. And it also has some nonsense stuff in it as well.

Not a single person who is against universal (government ran) healthcare or free (government paid) college is against it because they don’t think that the United States can have it. On the contrary we know that it’s just a vote away in Congress.

We are against it for rational reasons. The government has no money to pay for these things that cost money. And is currently paid for by the consumer who gets to choose where they go for healthcare and what college they attend.

If the government starts paying for them, it’s through higher taxes. And per our Constitution. Well this isn’t the job of government so they have no business raising taxes to pay for these services.

Then there is paid vacations and paid maternity leave. In those “other countries”. These too are paid for by the government through oppressive taxes and legislation that is socialist and communist in nature. Again we know this is but a vote away. But Here again. The government shouldn’t be in this aspect of business either. Per the Constitution.

The US Constitution is very specific on what the government is supposed to be doing. And anything that isn’t mentioned is left to the States or the people. Period. No compromise or wiggle room here.

If you don’t like what your employer offers for these two items. Get another employer or become one and offer them yourself to your employees.

Multiple political parties is a funny one. There are multiple political parties in the Unites States right now. So what’s the point? The other of the Meme is referring to additional parties that actually are electable. That takes two factors. Grass Roots and money. You want a 3rd party with clout. Make it so. Only your wallet size and energy are stopping you.

A 2nd Look

This Leftist meme needed more attention. In my previous article I stated that the meme was attacking the Lefts big three enemies.

President Donald Trump
American Conservative (Republicans) and America itself
and Christianity/Christians.

This is psychological propaganda. Doctor Joseph Goebbels would be proud of this meme and what others have done with his body of work.

Dividing the meme in half there is a right side and a left side.

All of the negative aspects are on the right side. This creates a subconscious thought that right is bad. Thus the Left begins it’s clandestine attack on the American Conservative (Republican) which is generally viewed as being on the right side of the political spectrum.

The particular images of Jesus here are also well chosen for propaganda purposes. On the left side is a very African featured Jesus. Fully in line with the current affairs of the Leftist-Marxist Black Lives Matter movement.

While on the right side is a very Caucasian Jesus. And it has been altered from the original image with the addition of an American Flag and MAGA hat.

Since the Left hates America all this imagery appears on the negative right side of the meme.

The positive left side has some additional false hoods besides the image of Jesus. He was not African, so we would not look like that image. He was Jewish so his skin complexion would be olive and not brown.

Jesus was never a child refugee either. This lie is being put out by the Left for political gain and goes against the truth in Holy Scripture.

Jesus was neither poor or homeless. Jesus was a skilled carpenter. A trade learned from his given human adoptive father Joseph before he began His ministry. And he had a home in Nazareth.

No true believer, or American Conservative (Republican), or even any right leaning political organization believes any of the aspects listed on the negative right side of this meme.

Again, Jesus was of an olive complexion since He was a Jew born in Bethlehem in the Roman Province of Judea in the 1st Century.

Jesus could not be an American since the nation would not exist for another 1700 years at the time of His life on Earth. It is absurd to even have this as an aspect listed. But the purpose is to attack the American nation.

Jesus however did play a major role in the formation of the American nation. His teachings would lay the foundation for the Constitution and the American Dream. Freedom and Liberty for all people as our Founding Fathers designed this Great nation under Christian principles.

Within Holy Scripture from the time of creation to the great flood. All people descended from Adam and Eve. Thus there is only one race up through the time of the great flood.

And from the time of the great flood to the present day. We have all descended from Noah and his family that were spared. Again we are but one race. Man. Humankind. Created in God’s image.

When the Holy Bible divides people into ethnic differences it is only to divide them in half. One is either Jew or Gentile. Or sometimes written as Jew or Greek. The only other major division of the people is by Faith. One is either God-fearing or a pagan.

Ethnicity, race, and Nationality are all tied closely together. Sometimes they are even confused and mistaken for one another. Nationalities are mentioned in Scripture.

Was Jesus a Nationalist? Certainly not for the Roman Empire which He was a subject of like everyone else in Judea.

But read Matthew 15:21-28. In this passage of Holy Scripture Jesus tells a Canaanite woman that He has come only for the lost sheep of Israel. Jesus, in this passage, also compares the Canaanites to being dogs while the Israelites are children. In our modern world of today such statements would be very racist and nationalistic.

Many have pointed out that since Jesus never condemned homosexuality in the New Testament it means that Jesus approved of the practice. And Christians today are in error for condemning it.

Those doubters know that there are many verses in the Old Testament that condemn homosexuality as a grievous sin but they are wrong about the New Testament and what it says on the subject.

For Romans 1:24-27 speaks of the sin of homosexuality as does 1st Corinthians 6:9-10. And if these verses are not enough to convince the reader on what Jesus believed about the nature of homosexuality. Then remember this, Jesus was a Jew and was taught the Laws of Moses (the Old Testament) which declares that homosexuality is a sin.

But more importantly, Jesus is God. He and the Father are one. Moses received the Law from God. Thus he received it from Jesus. Jesus wrote the Laws of Moses which condemn homosexuality. There is no escaping this fact.

Yet the meme does call the aspect homophobia. And here it is correct. Jesus was not homophobic and neither are His followers today.

It is love of our neighbors that drive Christians to preach the truth of homosexuality and other sins. To free our neighbors from sin in the forgiveness and redemption of Jesus Christ. Loving your neighbor does not mean you condone their sins.

We touched before on the wealth of Jesus. He was not poor and nor was he rich. There are numerous verses in Holy Scripture where we see the Disciples go into town to purchase food or other goods. And it is written that those Disciples gave up everything to follow Jesus.

So where did they get the money to by the things that are mentioned in the Scriptures? Where do they get the money to pay for their travel across all of the Province of Judea?

Scripture doesn’t say. Jesus wasn’t rich. But as a skilled carpenter for many years before beginning His ministry he wasn’t poor by any means either. Of course some monies could have been given to the Disciples by the people as they traveled and preached as well.

Jesus hates sin. As a righteous God and creator of all the universe He has that right. We see His hatred and anger of sin when He verbally confronts the Pharisee hypocrites. We see His hatred and anger of sin when He enters the Temple at Jerusalem and turns over the tables causing destruction and physically assaults the money changers and merchants that have turned the Temple into a den of thieves.

And we see it again when Jesus curses the fig tree so that it withers and dies never to bear any fruit.

Lastly, of course Jesus was never a Christian. He was a 1st Century Jew but also the Son of God. He came to save the world from its sin. He was killed, buried, and rose again to complete this task.

His initial followers, mostly Jews, called their movement “The Way”. It would take several centuries after his ascension into Heaven before the term Christian started to be used. And at first it was an insulting term. Only adopted later to be a term that we are happy to use today.

Full out attack

The Left isn’t hiding any more. In one meme they attack the three things they hate the most.

President Donald Trump
The United States of America
And the Body of Christ and His church.

Like most of Leftist propaganda there is truth in this wicked deception. So instead of my usual method of taking the meme apart bit by bit. I have decided to simply just fix it. So here is a better meme.

Of course some of the items that are listed as what Jesus was not. No one believer would ever say that Jesus was these things. This is just more of the Leftist propaganda to desecrate Christians, Christianity, and to deceive their useful idiots to enrich and empower themselves.