The Pope is Wrong

This month Pope Francis, an Argentinian Marxist, told children in Singapore that all religions were like languages and paths to the One true God. This includes religions that murder Christians, deny the divinity of Christ Jesus, and religions that even deny Christ existed.

I have written before about this man’s Marxist theology in honoring those opposed to Christianity and how he doesn’t follow the teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in the Bible.

And now he is condemning children, who have an opportunity to hear the Truth and be saved, to damnation. Not to mention leading the world’s millions of Catholics down this path as well due to the false doctrine of Papal Infallibility.

There is only one path to God. There is only one way to heaven. And it is out of Love that we preach the Good News of the Gospel to the whole world. John 14:6 is very clear:

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Pope Francis is telling these children that Jesus isn’t necessary for their salvation. Whatever path they are on or choose in the future will take them God.

What an evil thing to do.

Not with Her

I am not with her. Not because she is a woman. I’m all for a woman president if it’s the right candidate. I am not with her. Not because she is of color. I don’t care about that either. I have supported other presidential candidates of color in the past.

If these are the only reasons you are voting for her. Please, for the survival of our Republic, take a hard look past these superficial items and look at the issues facing our nation instead.

I am not with her because of where she stands on almost every issue. We are not in agreement on these things. And morally I can not support a candidate that goes against my ethics and morals to such a degree.

I am not with her because of her record. She has done nothing in the last 3 1/2 years as Vice President. And her record in previous posts is just as bad if not worse.

I am not with her because she is a Leftist. A hater of the Republic and the Constitution.

I am not with her because she didn’t earn a single vote for her nomination. She was crowned in a coronation as the nominee of the Democratic Party. Going against the very name and betraying Democracy. Zero votes. No delegates. Yet she is the Nominee. Appointed and selected by the Democratic Elite.

This should be concerning to every Democratic Party member. Their voice was silenced with Joe Biden and the appointment of Kamala Harris as the nominee.

What Happened to Democracy

The Democratic Party has screamed that electing Republicans will destroy our democracy. Yet in the wake of President Biden’s withdraw from the 2024 election the Democratic Party and their supporters seem to have tossed democracy out the window.

Kamala Harris is now running for President and has taken over the Biden Campaign. But she hasn’t received a single vote for that office in any primary or caucus election.

We the people, the foundation of democracy, haven’t voted for her in that office. She hasn’t earned a single delegate for the Democratic National Convention in August.

But the DNC has anointed her the position of presumptive nominee anyway. All of Joe Biden’s delegates, won through the caucus and primary votes, are not automatically delegates for Kamala Harris. They are free agents and can vote for anyone at the DNC.

Unless of course democracy is only lip service for the Democratic Party. Then of course we see the true colors of this party of tyrants.

In the Meme Time

In the aftermath of the assassination attempt against President Trump we are seeing this meme popup a lot. Posted by those useful idiots on the Left.

Of course the only talk about President Trump’s ear, like that is the thing we are deeply caring about. No, that isn’t it. A person lost his life defending his wife and children. Taking a bullet that would have killed them instead. This deeply saddens us.

What the Left doesn’t understand is that we care deeply anytime there is a tragic loss of life. No matter who is the victim. It doesn’t matter if it is President Trump, a 3rd grade classroom, a crowd at any public function, or even a Democratic politician. We treat them 100% the same.

We give the victims and survivors our thoughts and prayers. God said that prayers can move mountains and we believe this with all our hearts. We mourn with those who have lost a loved one. We care deeply at the tragic and senseless loss of life.

What we don’t do is blame the gun. It was the gunman who pulled the trigger and paid the price for that heinous crime. We even grieve for his family as well. But we don’t call for stricter gun legislation and regulations. In fact we call for these to be lifted. That way more people can be armed and able to defend themselves against evil in the public square.

Assassination Failed

There is a lot of controversy around the assassination attempt on Saturday of President Trump. And a number of failing by the Secret Service.

The roof-top of a building less than 500 feet away from the stage should have been secured but it wasn’t. An armed individual was able to use a ladder and gain access.

One of the police snippers had eyes on the gunman for over 3 minutes before he opened fire. But the Secret Service did not allow the sniper to take a shot.

Multiple eye witnesses reported the gunman to the police and other security personal prior to the attack. But they did not act on that information.

These and many more questions arise from this assassination attempt. And the answers will undoubtedly produce more questions.

Even now there are parallels being drawn between this attempt and the assassination of JFK. There are those who do suggest that this assassination was carried out by the CIA.

The Party of Despotism

The Left is always saying that Republicans want to take away the “rights” of others. That electing a Republican president will open the door to a dictatorship.

But every dictator in history has come from the Left and we would be fools to believe otherwise.

Even in the United States this is true. And the public record supports it.

Check the public record for yourself and see which political party has dictator tendencies. The closest thing we have to the dictator ability to “rule by decree” is the use of Executive Orders. As this have the power of law.

Since our founding there have been 15,883 Executive Orders written over the last 248 years. That averages to 64 every year.

There have only been 5 political parties, plus George Washington, to have made it to the Presidency. Some presidents didn’t issue any Executive Orders while others issued a great many of them.

The Federalist Party had only 1 President. And he issued only 1 Executive Order.

George Washington, our first President and unaffiliated with any political party, issued a total of 8 Executive Orders.

The Democratic-Republican Party had 4 Presidents and in total they issued only 9 Executive Orders.

The short lived Whigs Party also held the Presidency 4 times, but they issued 34 Executive Orders.

We have had 19 Republican Presidents. Together they have issued 7,342 Executive Orders. It seems high but the previously mentioned parties have all been short lived while the Republican Party has been around for 170 years. Averaged out, that is 386 Executive Orders for each of the 19 Republican Presidents.

But the Democratic Party with only 17 Presidents has issued over a 1,000 more Executive Orders. Topping the list so far at 8,489 penned by a Democratic President. That’s 499 averaged out for each of the 17. Far more than the Executive Orders issued by Republican Presidents. Even Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Leftist like no other, issued 3,728 Executive Orders during his long Presidency.

The numbers don’t lie. Numbers can be fact-checked, double checked, and triple-checked. The numbers are clear. The Democratic Party rules by decree as a dictator every chance they get. And far more often than any other political party in American history.

So in November, remember to preserve Liberty and the Republic. Don’t vote for the dictators in blue.

In the Meme Time

Another Leftist meme to come crashing down in flames. Unlike many Leftist memes, this one doesn’t have a hint of truth. But it does try to play with your emotions instead of facts. But it’s totally off the mark.

This meme depicts two women. One is a Christian Nun. The other is a Moslem woman. Both are wearing a head covering which is the focus of the meme.

The meme states that if you are not bothered by the Nun’s head covering and you are bothered by the Moslem woman’s head covering. Then you are a bigot.

At face value (the emotional side), the meme would be correct. But there is a huge difference between these two women and why they are wearing these head coverings.

The Christian Nun is an ordained member of the clergy. She has taken various oaths that go along with her call to the religious life and she lives within a religious community, often closed to the outside world. The habit and wimple she wears is an outward sign of those oaths and her commitment to her Faith as a Bride of Christ Jesus.

The Moslem woman is not a member of the clergy nor is she ordained. She does not live within a religious community of sisters. The hijab she is wearing is a sign of submission and required by Moslem culture which places women to be, at best, property. It is enforced by Moslem laws with strict punishments, including death, if violated.

These are not the same head coverings and they are worn for vastly different reasons. To be bothered by a woman in hijab is a good thing. Not a sign of bigotry as the meme suggests. But a sign that you care about the rights of women which are suppressed within Moslem culture.

Unanimous Opinion

The Supreme Court’s recent opinion regarding President Donald Trump’s ballot status was correct. And here is why this it the correct outcome of this court case.

First off, the 14th Amendment was born in the aftermath of the War Between the States. Many of it’s clauses were written for the situation of the time and place. The goals could not be accomplished by legislation alone.

The insurrection clause in particular was written as a punishment against the leaders of the Southern States. Banning them from public office. Not because they rose up against the Union. But as revenge by the Northern States who did not want to seat the former Confederate officers in Congress.

Secondly, President Donald Trump has NOT been found guilty of insurrection or participating in an insurrection, or leading an insurrection, or inciting an insurrection against the United States. Thus, he cannot be removed from any ballot or banned from holding office because of an insurrection.

And lastly, the events of January 6th were not an insurrection by any stretch of the imagination. The video evidence speaks for itself and to this truth as does the testimony of credible eyewitnesses.

So there you have it. Three valid reasons why the Supreme Court’s opinion on this matter is the correct and just opinion and why it was unanimous.

The False Gospels of He Gets Us

I wrote about this group in March of last year. You can read that article here:

This is going to focus on the “He Gets Us” movement and their false gospel advert during the Super Bowl last week. It’s shocking how many ways this group can twist the gospel message of Jesus into something wicked and evil to the non believer. They are truly promoting an antiChrist with their “Feel Good” version of Jesus.

Within this latest advert it talks about how Jesus was a good neighbor because he washed the feet of his friends and enemies alike. Really. This what this advert claims Jesus did during his ministry on earth. Now to the unbeliever, who has a fleeting knowledge of Jesus stories from Sunday School to draw upon. The will recall that Jesus washed some feet. So it must be true and of course we want to do the same.

The advert shows still pictures of various feet washings. An abortion protestor washing the feet of woman who has just murdered her child in the womb. An illegal alien and trespasser getting his feet washed by a neighbor. And a priest washing the feet of an active homosexual male.

All of these images are false. Jesus never washed the feet of an unrepentant sinner. Likewise, Jesus never washed the feet of a Pharisee, or religious leader, a Roman soldier, or the money changers in the Temple. All of these people would have been the enemy of Jesus. Not once in Scripture does it state that Jesus washed any of their feet.

Scripture does state that Jesus violently turned over the tables of the money changers in the Temple and then proceeded to whip and chase them from the Temple calling them thieves.

Now, Jesus did wash the feet of his followers. Godly and holy men who were of character and repentant of their sins. Jesus washed their feet to show them they in order to lead His church, they must lead as servants to the body of believers. These are the only people that the Biblical Jesus washed the feet of, his followers.

The Elephant in the Election

The Republican nomination is now down to just Trump and Haley. Those still running on the fringe don’t have a chance at the nomination with these two still in the race.

Haley may do well in New Hampshire on Tuesday and even in her home state of South Carolina. Once these 2 states are done we should have a clear idea who the Nominee will be from the Republican Party. But if not, there is Super Tuesday when 16 states have their primaries. That will seal the deal.

My prediction though is that Trump will get the nomination. And the Left and the others that suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome will go absolutely nuts. This does include the NeverTrumpers who all suffer from the mental illness of TDS.

The Left then will double down on their efforts to take Trump off the ballot. A fight that will go all the way to the Supreme Court. And the High Court’s opinion will be in-favor of keeping Trump on the ballot. This will enrage the Left even more. Blaming Trump for the results of the Court.

And because of this “betrayal” by the High Court. The Biden-Harris-Obama Administration will begin to pack the High Court with additional Leftist justices to ensure that those causes will be championed for at least a generation.

Of course, the last thing that will happen, is that Biden will be re-elected in November. Not because it’s the will of the people but because we never addressed the issue of election fraud from 2020. And the Left will use that tactic again in 2024.