The History and Future of Covid-19

With the rising number of cases of Covid-19 across the United States and other parts of the world. We are feeling the impact again of mandatory masks and lockdowns.

There is a vaccine on the horizon, in fact there are two of them. Both developed in by American companies in the United States. And these should be available by the end of the year.

But this does not mean that the government will step aside and allow us to have our Liberty again. No they have seen how easily it is to control the masses of useful idiots. And once the government has something in it’s control. They never give it up willingly.

The faithful mask wearing cultists all think that if everyone just complied the Covid-19 pandemic would be over. But they are fools who believe all the fear they are taught.

Yet they fail to listen to what their experts are actually saying.

Doctor Fauci has stated on multiple occasions that wearing masks wont end even after the wide-spread distribution of a Covid-19 vaccine.

Mr. Biden’s chosen Covid-19 advisor has also stated the same and has gone even further. He says that the vaccine would be distributed to other parts of the world before it would be distributed in the United States. He even advocates that it shouldn’t be given to anyone older than 75 because they are useless. Thus he is advocating the death of all seniors 75 years of age or older who will not be given the Covid-19 vaccine.

Even with the vaccine. There will still be lockdowns, mandatory masks. Limits on gatherings and suppression of the free press and speech of those who disagree with such policies. These measures are already being enforced. As the government continues to take away God-given Rights. Including suppressing the Church and the body of Believers and the freedom to worship as we see fit.

This power grab by the government is all done in the name of safety. The battle cry of tyrants everywhere. And there are always those who will quietly submit without question to the dictates of the power hungry.

It has been said many times that if one does not remember or learn from history that they are doomed to repeat it. And here and now history is repeating itself. As most have forgotten history already and how tyrants rise to power.

Even our Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin, stated that those who give up essential Liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither Liberty nor safety.

I pray that there is still those who remember. And those who can stop the tide before it is too late.