The Pope is Wrong

This month Pope Francis, an Argentinian Marxist, told children in Singapore that all religions were like languages and paths to the One true God. This includes religions that murder Christians, deny the divinity of Christ Jesus, and religions that even deny Christ existed.

I have written before about this man’s Marxist theology in honoring those opposed to Christianity and how he doesn’t follow the teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in the Bible.

And now he is condemning children, who have an opportunity to hear the Truth and be saved, to damnation. Not to mention leading the world’s millions of Catholics down this path as well due to the false doctrine of Papal Infallibility.

There is only one path to God. There is only one way to heaven. And it is out of Love that we preach the Good News of the Gospel to the whole world. John 14:6 is very clear:

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Pope Francis is telling these children that Jesus isn’t necessary for their salvation. Whatever path they are on or choose in the future will take them God.

What an evil thing to do.

Children’s Crusade

There are a few reasons I have held off from talking about the Nex Benedict suicide, but the biggest one is because I wanted to get the facts straight in my own head before committing keyboard to blog site. This caution has come from years of watching early narratives taken as gospel getting blown out by facts that took a while to come forward. Even then, you can’t always count on the facts to get equal or even equitable treatment as the early, more salacious details.

Unfortunately, the Nex Benedict story falls into this category. As time and observant people went along, the initial story about Benedict’s death changed more than the TV channels with me in control of the remote. That’s when I start looking more closely at the details. Not only is it a good way to get a grasp on what happened, but it can reveal angles that haven’t been touched on yet.

And I came across a real doozy.

The LGBTQIA2XGLORIAGLOOOOORIAAAAA community had a lot riding on this story as a means to garner support/sympathy/unwavering positive media attention for the cause, even if it meant they had to lie about it. (Spoiler Alert: they did, and are still lying as we speak…or as I write and you read.) What they banked on more than the lies was the fact Nex was a cute kid, almost childlike in appearance. Draw whatever conclusions you want, but I want you to think about the power in the image of a young person involved in a personal tragedy. It’s pretty damn powerful.

And it works over and over again.

Trayvon Martin, David Hogg, Greta Thunberg, Tawana Brawley, all of these young people and many more have been used by Leftists to perpetuate an ideological goal because of their age, actual or apparent. Adults have this internal need to protect younger generations or feel for them when they deal with problems we feel they shouldn’t have to address. Leftists know this and use that to play us for suckers. Any time the Left wants to get us to back a piece of legislation or adopt one of their stupid ideas, bring out the kids!

After all, one of their favorite lines is “think about the children.”

That is, unless the children don’t agree with the Left’s agenda or if it’s more beneficial to use them as a punching bag. Just ask Kyle Kashuv, Nicholas Sandmann, Kyle Rittenhouse, and Riley Gaines. And they should have plenty of time since the Left isn’t knocking down their doors for interviews.

But they’ll spend all sorts of time lying about Nex Benedict’s death to blame transphobia, LibsOfTikTok, the GOP, Donald Trump, the 1993 Denver Broncos, or anyone/anything else that is the go-to for blame these days. Even though Benedict’s death has been ruled a suicide, it’s still because of the aforementioned things because Leftists say so.

One thing Leftists aren’t so quick to talk about, though, is why they see children and teenagers as ideological pawns. This isn’t to say the Right doesn’t do the same thing, but the Left has a longer and more prolific history of using children as the swords and shields for their crusades. And as long as it keeps working, the Left will keep using kids with zero fucks given as to whether it’s a good or ethical idea.

To any Leftists reading this, it’s not good, nor ethical. The ends don’t justify the means, especially if those ends are as a result of the end of a human life. You can hate whomever you want, but it doesn’t change the fact you’re using a dead trans youth to achieve an end that youth will never see and has zero input on participation. If you care so damn much about Nex Benedict, you would leave this situation alone. Since it’s clear you don’t, I’m pretty sure this story will fade into our collective memories and dragged out once or twice a year to “remember” Benedict. You’ve turned a trans youth’s life into a commodity to be discarded once it’s no longer useful.

For that, you’ve earned a hearty and well deserved Fuck You. Enjoy it.