Election Fraud

The evidence of fraud taking place in the 2020 Presidential Election is overwhelming. Reported across multiple media sources and social media as well before it gets taken down by the current tech giants. It is plain as day.

From the media reporting different results from the official election results being reported by the various Secretaries of State on their websites to the videos and photos being released by poll watchers across the nation.

We see the tampering of ballots. We see manual voter registrations being entered to the the voter rolls on election day of people born in 1900 or even 1824.

We find that our overseas military absentee ballots have been dumped into the trash. And mail-in ballots being accepted without postmarks.

We see voters given Sharpies to mark ballots with instead of regular ink pens. Since voting machines can’t read Sharpies these votes aren’t counted but the ballot is accepted and marked as read. We see voting machines not properly filled with ink in a strong Republican district.

Poll watchers were removed from some polling places after they noted irregularities. and illegal activity being conducted. Some were removed when they took the evidence on camera that we are seeing being presented as evidence.

And these are just the tip of the iceberg of the fraud that is being carried out in the 2020 election. This a coup by election fraud. If Biden wins it will be because he cheated and the Democratic Party is corrupt at its very core. And the whole world will know it.

But thankfully there is a fix in the works. Vortex Blockchain Technologies will prevent voter fraud like this from ever happening again. But until that day comes we may have to endure 4 years of a Harris Administration and loss of Liberty.

Author: chris

Chris is a follower of Jesus Christ. A Linux enthusiast. And a believer in the words of the US Constitution being the 2nd most important document ever written. He plays, runs, and creates various table top role playing games and is collector of dice.