Another Leftist meme to come crashing down in flames. Unlike many Leftist memes, this one doesn’t have a hint of truth. But it does try to play with your emotions instead of facts. But it’s totally off the mark.

This meme depicts two women. One is a Christian Nun. The other is a Moslem woman. Both are wearing a head covering which is the focus of the meme.
The meme states that if you are not bothered by the Nun’s head covering and you are bothered by the Moslem woman’s head covering. Then you are a bigot.
At face value (the emotional side), the meme would be correct. But there is a huge difference between these two women and why they are wearing these head coverings.
The Christian Nun is an ordained member of the clergy. She has taken various oaths that go along with her call to the religious life and she lives within a religious community, often closed to the outside world. The habit and wimple she wears is an outward sign of those oaths and her commitment to her Faith as a Bride of Christ Jesus.
The Moslem woman is not a member of the clergy nor is she ordained. She does not live within a religious community of sisters. The hijab she is wearing is a sign of submission and required by Moslem culture which places women to be, at best, property. It is enforced by Moslem laws with strict punishments, including death, if violated.
These are not the same head coverings and they are worn for vastly different reasons. To be bothered by a woman in hijab is a good thing. Not a sign of bigotry as the meme suggests. But a sign that you care about the rights of women which are suppressed within Moslem culture.