Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

To say California is the epicenter of batshit crazy is an understatement of Michael Moore sumo wrestling Rosie O’Donnell proportions, but there are still some times when I have to say, “No fucking duh!” This week, the San Francisco Chronicle reported due to “safety concerns” employees of the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building were advised to work from home.

No fucking duh!

Once one of the shining cities of the West Coast, San Francisco is starting to look like a crack whore once you sober up, only with more shit. What caused the downfall of the backdrop of many a “Full House” episode? I’m glad you asked!

San Francisco

What the Left thinks it means – a beautiful progressive city that exemplifies the best of Leftist causes

What it really means – a literal shithole that exemplifies the best of Leftist causes

If you really want to know the history of San Francisco prior to going further into this week’s Lexicon, here’s the Wikipedia entry. And try not to giggle too hard at the “commercial, financial, and cultural center” part.

Meanwhile back at 2023, San Francisco is not doing so hot. Depending on who you ask, crime is either a serious concern or not nearly as bad as some would lead us to believe. At one point, drug overdoses more than doubled COVID deaths in 2020. There were 7750 homeless people of various backgrounds as of 2022 in a city of 715,717, or for you mathheads out there, a little over 1% of the population.

But if you look at the chart in the previous link, you will notice San Francisco’s population has been declining since 2020. Which, of course, is Donald Trump’s fault…

Or it might be who the voters put into office. Nahhhhh!

Seriously, for all of the cultural diversity San Francisco is known for, this doesn’t appear to translate to ideological matters. After all, two of the favorite Leftist institutions of higher learning, Stanford and UC Berkeley, are housed in the Bay Area. And considering some of the graduates of said campuses, maybe they should be considered institutions, if you know what I mean.

And speaking of insanity, there are two elements that have made San Francisco (and California in general) into Thunderdome with more rainbow flags. We start with Proposition 47, an initiative to reduce penalties for non-violent crimes like shoplifting from possible felonies to misdemeanors. And, of course, this proposal passed because…reasons. Although Proposition 47 didn’t decriminalize shoplifting, it did act as a deterrent for police officers to investigate such crimes and for attorneys to prosecute them.

Then, there’s the second element: store employees trying to stop shoplifters are the ones who could be getting in trouble, thanks to the California Senate. Seems they passed a bill that would prohibit store employees from stopping shoplifters. And Leftists wonder why companies are pulling out of San Francisco?

Well, to put it simply for the Leftists, it’s your fucking fault this is happening. Not only are you creating an environment where you’d have to be insane to try to set up shop in San Francisco, but you’re disincentivizing companies to stay there. And what do you think will happen if those who generate income (i.e. a tax base) decide to pack up and go to greener pastures? Here’s a hint, kids: it doesn’t get better from here. And nothing the idiot used car salesman you elected Governor can say or do will fix that.

And that shitstain criticizes how Ron DeSantis governs in Florida? And he wants to run for President so he can bring his Leftist incompetence to the nation?

Sorry, Leftists. I’ll pass.

The sad thing is Leftists actually think San Francisco is a utopia, and they’re right. It’s just the utopia they see doesn’t involve going anywhere near where the problems are. Say what you will about Leftists, and believe me I do, but they are exceptional at living in more protective bubbles than John Travolta. (And if you got that reference, I thank you.) As long as they’re doing well, that’s all that matters.

But there’s a problem with that. Once the non-Leftists realize they outnumber the Leftists and get pissed off enough to do something about it, they tend to revolt. And I’m not talking about the pussy-ass Portland CHAD/CHOP bullshit, either. I’m talking French Revolution. The only thing stopping Reign of Terror 2: Electric Boogaloo is the Left keeps promising free stuff to the less fortunate to keep them docile and voting Democrat. And considering the last Republican mayor left office in 1964, it seems to be working.

However, Atlas is starting to shrug because there is only so much a population can take before they start looking for new leadership. Even as blue as the Bay Area was in 2020, turning it into Calcutta East isn’t a winning strategy, and you can’t keep offering free stuff while forcing businesses to keep items locked up due to shoplifting. The breaking point is coming, maybe not now or in 2024, but it is coming. And when Atlas finally shrugs, the people ignoring the problem right now are going to be the ones overwhelmed and needing help.

Until that happens, avoid San Francisco if at all possible, but also keep an eye on your own cities. For better or for definitely the worst, what happens in California tends to take hold in the rest of the country sooner or later. The only way to stop this insanity is to make sure it never takes hold. Easier said than done, I know, but if you arm yourselves with the facts, you can spot the San Francisco freak…I mean treat long before it hits Main Street.

And if that fails, invest heavily in hip waders because you’re gonna need ’em to navigate Brown Street, if you know what I mean…