Why we lost the 2020 Election

The 2020 election was stolen. President Biden was illegitimate and illegally installed by the corruption of the Deep State. And this is a good thing.

God showed us His mercy in allowing this evil to take place. We don’t always understand the ways of God as they are happening. Sometimes we don’t understand them at all in our lifetime. But at the times we do. We are thankful for His wisdom.

Had President Trump gained his true victory in the 2020 election his ability to act against the Deep State would have been curtailed. The Left controlled the House and Senate. President Trump could have been impeached again and even removed from office before his 2nd term was up.

Then he would have faced trumped up criminal charges and most likely imprisoned. Even if we would have gained the House in 2022, it’s not enough to help the president.

And come today. Without Donald Trump, who would have been the champion of the American People? Who could have been the nominee to go against Biden or another prominent Leftist Democrat?

Would there be a red wave that was too big to rig? I don’t think so. I believe we would have lost the House, the Senate, and the presidency. And we would be headed for full on Leftism American style and the possibility of ever winning another election would be gone.

So God did show us His mercy and we didn’t understand why at the time. It wasn’t time yet for a Trump 2nd term. And now in 2024 with Trump at the head the red wave swept though the nation.

Donald Trump is the 47th President of the United States with a Republican majority in both houses of Congress. And all praise and glory goes to God for this victory.

Author: chris

Chris is a follower of Jesus Christ. A technologist. And a believer in the words of the US Constitution being the 2nd most important document ever written. He plays, runs, and creates various table top role playing games and is collector of dice.