Panic in the Streets

Leprosy, the plague, and now Covid-19. These 3 ailments have taken a similar role in history.

They are all the boogeyman disease. Anyone with any symptoms is to be shunned, feared, and rejected by society.

Someone sneezes at the grocery store and all eyes turn to look at them. You can see the fear in everyone’s eyes. Especially with the person who just sneezed. Is an angry mob that is going to attack out of blind panic that has been instilled by the media.

I can just hear the ancient shouts rising up from the masked covered crowd. “Unclean! Unclean!” they shout with fingers pointed. Lord help the frighted sneezer if they aren’t wearing a flimsy cloth mask.

Of course those cloth masks and face-shields people wear today remind me of the masks worn to ward of the plague. And they are just as effective too, especially in the practice.

But no one takes into account that a sneeze can be allergies, or just some random irritant particle that cause the person to sneeze. These things and many more harmless reasons can cause a person to sneeze.

What if someone is a known survivor of Covid-19? And this is quite common since the disease has a 99% survivability rate. Unfortunately they too are shunned made turned into outcasts. Again out of nothing but blind fear.

And blind fear when mixed with panic and stirred by anger caused by media misinformation creates an environment waiting to explode in violence. If this isn’t stopped soon there will be blood spelt because of it.