Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

Through a President’s time in office, there are several defining moments that write how his (and eventually her) will be remembered. Ronald Reagan’s Brandenburg Gate speech (“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”). George W. Bush’s first post-9/11 appearance in New York City. Bill Clinton using an intern as a humidor.

When the history of Puddin’ Head Joe’s administration is written, his handling of the wildfires in Maui will be referenced. Leftists are busy trying to make Puddin’ Head Joe look intelligent, decisive, and compassionate, while the real world is shaking its head in disbelief.

And I have a topic to discuss…while shaking my head in disbelief.

Maui wildfires

What the Left thinks it means – a clear example of Joe Biden’s leadership

What it really means – a clear example of Joe Biden’s leadership, just not in the way the Left thinks

To make things easier, here is a timeline of events so even Leftists can follow along. What started with strong winds quickly grew into a much larger problem within a matter of minutes, as natural disasters often do. Or in the case of Puddin’ Head Joe, a matter of weeks. More on that later.

Without missing a beat, Leftists leapt into action…to bring up climate change as the cause of or a significant factor in the destruction. This before an official investigation has been conducted in full and while Hawaiians are sorting through the loss of property and life. But remember, kids, Leftists care about people, dammit!

But apparently not enough to interrupt Puddin’ Head Joe’s vacation. In fact, the administration took an entire week before issuing a statement about the wildfires and what the Administration would do to help. A. Fucking. Week. And somewhere Michael “Heck of a job, Brownie” Brown is saying, “What the fuck??”

To put it mildly, Puddin’ Head Joe responded to the Maui wildfires with the sense of urgency of a drugged sloth after a year-long bender with Charlie Sheen. Between responses of “no comment” and initially offering a whopping $700 per household to Hawaiians affected by the wildfire, it was clear to anyone not guzzling the Leftist Kool Aid that Puddin’ Head Joe was out of his depth.

But, hey, no mean tweets, amirite?

Eventually (as in 2 weeks after the wildfires began), Puddin’ Head Joe and Dr. Jill dragged their asses to Maui to survey the damage. And they were met with much deserved criticism from politicians and Hawaiians alike. Granted, this was before the President spoke, so little did they know how much worse it was going to get.

Like comparing the loss of property and life to a fucking small house fire. And not even having the courtesy to tell the fucking truth! This is William Hung levels of tonedeafness. And once Puddin’ Head Joe and Dr. Jill did their bit for the cameras to show how much they care…they went back on vacation.

Remember how much shit Ted Cruz got for going on vacation during a winter blackout in Texas? I know he does. But if the Left didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.

Even with the already low bar the Left has set for Puddin’ Head Joe, he finds a way to limbo under it. But anyone who is surprised by the delays and ineptitude of the federal response have forgotten the disaster that was the East Palestine train derailment. One fumble could be explained away (and believe me the Left tried), but this is the second major disaster this year alone and the responses aren’t getting any better. Granted, we don’t want Presidents to have a lot of experience dealing with natural disasters, but you would think someone with Puddin’ Head Joe’s 50+ years of public service would have picked up a thing or two.

Then again, this is Joe Biden we’re talking about here. Even at his prime he wasn’t even an intellectual midget, let alone an intellectual giant. But he’s gotten by through a combination of a likeable personality and a party willing to turn away when Puddin’ Head Joe goes off script. The problem with this approach is eventually you’ll come across a situation where you can’t charm your way out of trouble and have to show you can do the job.

And the people of Maui are finding out Puddin’ Head Joe can’t do the job, even when it’s screamingly obvious what needs to happen.

That’s why the Left has to make the President look like he’s on top of it all and being the “empathizer-in-chief.” Oh, and to change headlines to blame climate change or praising him for the smallest of accomplishments. You know, just like what happened under previous Presidents faced with disasters, right?

Not so much.

As angry as this makes me, I can’t help but feel sorry for the people of Maui who are getting a taste of Leftist leadership at a time of need. The good thing for Puddin’ Head Joe is his ineptitude is happening this year and not in 2024 when he’s stumbling…I mean running for reelection. The voting public tend to have a short memory when it comes to bad performances in non-election years, especially when it comes to Leftists. The media play a big role in memory-holing anything negative and gaslighting you into thinking it never happened.

Don’t believe those pesky facts and eyewitness reports of Puddin’ Head Joe being Abe Simpson with the nuclear codes. Just sit back and watch more TikTok videos or go see the Barbie movie so you can talk about it on social media! After all, social media presence is much more important than the leader of the free world being not just senile, but an incredibly bad judge of character, intelligence, and competence.

As much as I’d like to think Hawaii is going to learn its lesson from the Maui wildfires, I have serious reservations. Case in point: perpetual dumbass Senator Mazie Hirono keeps getting reelected. But the residents’ vocal and visual disappointment in what Puddin’ Head Joe said and did is a ray of hope that somehow they’ve had enough of Leftist politicians and their lack of attention on the common person. The more people speak up about Biden’s fuckups, the harder it gets for Leftists to spin them as right wing cranks trying to attack the President for purely political reasons.

News Flash for you Leftists out there: not everyone who criticizes Puddin’ Head Joe is a MAGA-head. Anybody with a brain and basic human decency can tell you Biden fucked up big time here, and then proceeded to play “Top This” with himself over and over again.

If you want to help those affected by the Maui wildfires, here is a list of organizations to consider, as well as information on Glenn Beck’s charitable endeavors on that front. And give generously as you can because it’s clear Puddin’ Head Joe can’t be bothered to stay off vacation for more than a day to help.