
The Orange Man Bad crowd, those that suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, cannot understand and they scoff at the idea that President Trump could have been called by God to lead our nation at this time in history.

They are all ignorant of Holy Scripture, even if they profess with their lips that they are Believers and Children of God. This lack of Biblical knowledge clearly shows that they are deceiving themselves and others. Many of these people are actually anti-Christian and wish to stamp out the Light and Truth.

So today we have a Bible Lesson. It does help your understanding if you actually read and study the Holy Scripture. Then you will know what it says and what it does not say.

God can and has called some pretty poor examples to do His work. That of course is looking at these Biblical heroes through our own mortal and flawed eyes and standards. Here are a few of them to ponder.

Jacob: He deceived his father to gain the family birthright which was not his to gain. God used Jacob whom He renamed Israel to give birth to the nation of Israel and the 12 tribes.

David: The first King of Israel chosen by God. He penned many of the Psalms. Within his story of the Bible, God calls him the apple of his eyes. Having a heart like God. And beloved by God. David was a sorry excuse for a father to his children. He was an adulterer who murdered his friend to cover up the adultery he had committed with his friend’s wife.

Moses: Prone to anger with a bad temper. A murderer. He also had a speech impediment. Yet God chose Moses to lead His people out of bondage in Egypt.

Paul: As in Saint Paul. The man and Roman citizen who penned many books of the New Testament. He was originally Saul of Tarsus and a devout persecutor of anything involving the early Church and followers of Jesus. He is responsible for torturing them and having them executed. But he too was called by God and did so much for the early Church once he was on the right path.

In the Book of Kings we read of the prophet Elisha who anointed at God’s direction a narcissistic general and madman named Jehu to end the house and reign of the wicked King Ahab and his queen Jezebel.

These are just a small scattering of Biblical heroes who are deeply flawed individuals. Sinners all of them, some have some very deep and dark sins to their names. Yet God calls and uses them to fulfill His Glory and purpose.

So of course it doesn’t matter what sins Donald Trump has to his past. God can call him too. And make him President of the United States to fulfill His Glory. Russian collusion has proven to be a false reason for the Trump election of 2016. Perhaps it was God collusion instead having His anointed take center stage and defy all the odds and talking heads that don’t include God’s plans into their own.

Author: chris

Chris is a follower of Jesus Christ. A Linux enthusiast. And a believer in the words of the US Constitution being the 2nd most important document ever written. He plays, runs, and creates various table top role playing games and is collector of dice.