An Inconvenience

The Covid-19 shutdown is an inconvenience not governmental oppression. That’s good to know because that means it’s necessary and not a violation of human or Constitutional rights.

So thank you for permanently closing 7.5 million small businesses. I’m sure those business owners will see it as the inconvenience it is at the loss of their livelihood, fortunes, and savings.

Thank you for pushing 130 million people worldwide into starvation during this inconvient economic shutdown. They understand it’s all for the greater good.

Thank you for the 900% increase to those calling the suicide hotlines. It’s just an inconvenience that they lost everything and see death as the only way out. Their families will take comfort in knowing it was just an inconvenience.

Thank you for letting us know that the psychological and other health issues suffered by the 10’s of millions who are now unemployed is just an inconvenience. Tell them to suck it up is the message of an inconvenience.

These are just some of the inconveniences of the economic and social shutdowns. I’m sure there are more of them. Such as the higher death tolls in states that have stronger lockdown measures in place vs the states that don’t. Even those Covid-19 deaths are just an inconvenience while the rest of us stay safe.

So again. Thank you for letting me know you think it’s just an inconvenience instead of oppression of rights by governmental overreach. That tells me all I need to know about your character.

Author: chris

Chris is a follower of Jesus Christ. A technologist. And a believer in the words of the US Constitution being the 2nd most important document ever written. He plays, runs, and creates various table top role playing games and is collector of dice.