A Trump Victory

If Donald J. Trump is elected to serve as our 47th President this evening the Left will lose their minds. Trump Derangement Syndrome will be on full power. And it will be disgraceful.

The Left will riot. They be destructive to property and endanger innocent lives. People will die and rioting, looting, and the burning of our cities will be like the signal fires of Gondor calling for aid. They will be seen across the nation.

If the House isn’t won, come January there will be an Impeachment started in Congress before anything else is done. That will be the Left’s priority. And I’m sure that the Left will say “Russia, Russia, Russia” again. And attempt to make everyone believe that Trump is the next Hitler.

All of this is nonsense of course. It’s the Left showing their true colors. Violence, lies, and death, are all hallmarks of the Left. They manufacture a crisis and then claim to be the solution to it.

It will be a fight when Trump wins. A fight to preserve the Republic or fall to the Leftist ideals of “Democracy”, mob rule, and totalitarianism.

Author: chris

Chris is a follower of Jesus Christ. A technologist. And a believer in the words of the US Constitution being the 2nd most important document ever written. He plays, runs, and creates various table top role playing games and is collector of dice.