Is it right for you?

Turn on any TV channel in America today and you will eventually see a commercial for some kind of medication.

These run the whole spectrum of ailments. From constipation to mental illness to cancer and auto immune diseases. And everything in between.

All of these commercials follow the same basic format. One or more people with the same ailment and how it limits or otherwise impacts their daily lives. Then the drug gets introduced.

Then there is the consultation with a doctor or pharmacist and how the drug can help the impact that was previously stated. The commercial ends with the people saying how great it was that they started taking it. And how you should contact your doctor as well to see if the medication is right for you.

Of course all during this we have a voice over describing the potential side effects of the medication. Death is sometimes included and what you should do if you start getting some side effects.

Every drug uses this advertisement pattern. From over the counter medication through prescription drugs to potentially life saving wonder drugs made of miracles.

Every one of them. Except for the Covid-19 vaccine drugs.

The commercials that exist for these drugs are very different. First they use an emotional attack approach. Thus causing you to have an emotional reaction to it instead of a reasoning and rational one.

At no time during these commercials, or anywhere else, is any report of side effects of any variety from getting the Covid-19 shot. It is as if this life saving wonder drug has no side effects at all since they aren’t mentioned. Yet we all know that there are dangerous and deadly side effects to taking this jab.

Also there is never the statement to check with your doctor to see if taking the jab is right for you. It is always right for everyone aged 5 years and older. No questions asked or even allowed.

In fact if you ask questions about the Covid-19 wonder vaccine. You become the cause of all misfortune in the world.

You are why other people die.

You are why other people can’t visit their family.

You are why a business had to close.

You are why other people can’t travel where they want to go.

You are why someone else lost their job.

You must be a religious fanatic.

You must be a science denier.

Except for the very fact that science isn’t fixed. The very nature of science is to question everything, including itself. And to question the answers one gets to see if they hold true and for how long.

I question the ads for medications.

I question the medication.

And I always ask. Is this medication right for me?

And so should you.

The Politics of Science

What a difference a couple of weeks make! It wasn’t that long ago that we were told outdoor protesting against overly oppressive state lockdown decisions made by a dumbass Governor where open-carry laws were followed would cause COVID-19 cases to skyrocket! (Spoiler Alert: they didn’t.) Now, we’re being told by the same people that protests against the death of George Floyd (some of which have turned violent and destructive) are totes cool.

And people wonder why I have a healthy distrust of public figures.

It’s clear politics have more to do with these contradictory positions than actual science, which has been a destructive force for decades within the scientific community. From climate change to the number of genders, ideological elements have made it possible for science to defy itself at the same time the Left tells us we need to listen to the experts. Of course, when the “experts” are Leftists, it’s like they’re saying to listen to, well, themselves.

Funny how that works, isn’t it?

The problem with politics becoming part of science is the former taints the integrity of the latter. With the scientific method, the scientist work toward finding a conclusion by objectively looking at the results of the experiments used. With politics added into the mix, the scientific method either works backwards (as with climate change) or disregarded altogether if the results don’t come out the way the Left wants (as with genders). As a result, we get studies where the results don’t make sense, which opens science up to (deserved) mockery.

As a fan of science, I take the Left’s perversion of science seriously and, admittedly, personally. We cannot simply ignore it when the science tells us we’re wrong. We either have to accept the results or try again. There is no third option. There isn’t a provision where the results don’t matter if they hurt our fee-fees. Accept or reject are the only choices.

That’s where politics taints the process. There’s an old saying, “The personal is political.” The Left takes this very seriously because it allows them to make anything political with the right framing. Once that happens, they can find/create allies to whatever cause they deem appropriate at the time.

Now, here’s the fun part. Once those causes lose traction with the public, the Left chucks them and their supporters aside. Of course, they will pick these causes and supporters up when it suits their needs (like to blame Republicans for what Leftists did to screw things up). If you question this, let me ask one question: How’s the water in Flint, Michigan, these days?

Not good, huh? My point precisely.

Leftists have always treated the black community as below them in the hierarchy of power, which is why you rarely see blacks in positions of real power within their ranks. They’re always on the stage with white Leftists, but only as bunting, and optional bunting at that. And when black Leftists do create organizations, it’s always as subsidiaries of the main hive-mind.

What does this have to do with the Left’s hypocrisy…I mean change of position on protests? Control (and I’m not talking about the Janet Jackson song). With the anti-lockdown protests, the Left couldn’t control the protesters. They were powerless to stop them, so the Left tried to get people to believe they were dangerous and that a love of freedom is equally dangerous. However, with the protesters of George Floyd’s murder, the Left controls the narrative and can stoke the fires to make the tensions worse. And once the passion dies down, the Left will forget George Floyd even existed.

Just like they forgot about Flint’s water problem.

And just like they forgot about COVID-19 when it came to the George Floyd protests, even after these same folks shouted about how dangerous it was for people to be out in public without masks and social distancing.