Project 2025: What They Don’t Want to Tell You!

Although my hetero lifemate Chris did a fantastic job at discussing Project 2025 in a recent post, I wanted to weigh in a bit more on this subject, too. In the land of social media, there was a lot of buzz surrounding what was in this evil plan to take over America and turn it into a dystopian nightmare (even though it didn’t happen the first time Donald Trump was President), but now it’s super-duper-serious! There’s actually…a plan!!!!!!

Over the past several months, I have compiled a number of statements about Project 2025 and what it will totally definitely do once Donald Trump makes it official. What I’m about to list are actual statements made by people who at least resemble adults. Parental discretion is advised.

End No Fault Divorce

Complete ban on abortions without exceptions

Ban contraceptives

Additional tax breaks for the 1% and corporations

Higher taxes for the working class

Elimination of unions and worker protections

Raise the retirement age

Cut Social Security

Cut Medicare

End the Affordable Care Act

Raise prescription drug prices

Eliminate the Department of Education

Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools

End free and discounted school lunch programs

End civil rights and DEI protections in government

Ban African American and gender studies in all levels of education

Deregulate big business and the oil industry

Promote and expedite capital punishment

End marriage equality

Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”

Defund the FBI and Homeland Security

Use the military to break up domestic protests

Mass deportation of immigrants and incarceration in “camps”

End birth right citizenship

Ban Muslims from entering the country

Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing justices

Connected to Donald Trump

End programs that address climate change

End public education

Persecute LGBTQ+ Americans

Encourage racial discrimination

Mass deportation and reduce immigration

Insert Christian Nationalist ideology into the mainstream

Give unchecked power to the President

Restrict IVF access

Family separation

Muslim ban

Tax cuts for the ultra wealthy

Replace civil servants with MAGA loyalists

Guns in classrooms

Order prosecution of political opponents

Pardon January 6 insurrectionists

Pathway for Trump to become permanent dictator

Put Medicare on the path to privatization

Repeal President Biden’s drug price negotation program

Threaten Medicare coverage

Reverse the Biden Administration’s student debt relief efforts

Withdraw from the UN Framework Convention on climate change and the Paris Climate Agreement

Repeal the Inflation Reduction Act

Shred greenhouse gas regulations and gut clean energy programs

Replace the WH climate advisor with someone focused on boosting fossil fuels

Give Trump the power to reject all climate science research directed by the Biden Administraiton

Gut the federal workforce and install loyalists

Allow Trump to deploy the military against American citizens

Allow ICE to conduct raids at schools, churches, hospitals, playgrounds, and other sensitve areas

Make federal government establish marriage between a man and a woman
Withdraw federal anti-discrimination protections for transgender students

Reimplement Trump’s transgender military ban and expel transgender service members

Reverse the FDA’s approval of abortion medication
Invoke the Comstock Act to ban the shipment of abortion pills

Compel states to report the “reason” for every abortion performed

Allow states to ban employers from providing health benefits that cover abortion care

Eliminate the Department of Education

Use public funds to pay for private religious schools

Encourage Christian indoctrination through public schools

Dismantle Civil Rights and DEI protections at all level of government

Eliminate no fault divorce

Total ban on abortions regardless of viability or health of the mother

Ban all contraceptives

Ban African American and Gender studies at all levels of education

Tax cuts for major corporations and 1% while increasing taxes on the rest

Eliminating unions and all worker protections

Eliminating all climate protections

Encourages arctic drilling

Eliminating regulations of big business and oil

Raise retirement age

Eliminate Social Security for the elderly and disabled

Promotes capital punishment and the speedy “finality” of such sentences

Condemns single mothers while encouraging “traditional families”

Only recognize traditional families by overturning Obergefell v Hodges in attempts to eliminate LBGTQIA community

Dismantling the FBI and Homeland Security

Use of military to break up protests

Eliminating Head Start and the free/discounted school lunch program

Banning books and curriculum regarding slavery

Forcing immigrants to be deported or held in camps and ends birth right citizenship

Banning Muslims from entering the country

Dismantles the FDA, EPA, NOAA, and more

Pack the Supreme Court with extreme far-right judges

Funding decrease for the DOJ

Dismantling the DOC

Dismantling the DHS

Eliminate independence for the FCC and FTC

Terminate DEI programs

Implement “unitary executive theory” expand the power of the President

Restructure and repurpose the DOJ

Replace career federal employees with hand-picked loyalists

Reverse FDA approval of Mifepristone

Rename HHS “Department of Life”

Add work requirements to receive Medicaid

Condemn single motherhood and same-sex marriage

Eliminate the terms “sexual orientation,” “diversity, equality, and Inclusion,” “gender equality,” “abortion” and “reproductive rights” from all laws and federal regulations

Terminates the Constitution

Guts democratic checks and balances on Presidential power

Ban President Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure law

Cease support for international organizations that promote LBGTQ+ equality

Stopping cybersecurity efforts to combat mis- and disinformation

Deprioritize DACA

Abolish the Gender Policy Council

Cutting ties with China

Reversing protections against discrimination in housing.

Tracking potential employees’ opinions

Employers can cut or eliminate overtime

Pretty extensive list. I will warn you there may be duplicates because a) there are so many ways to phrase the same thing, and b) Leftists aren’t that imaginative.

As I promised in the title, I am going to tell you something they don’t want you to know about Project 2025. Brace yourselves because I’m about to drop a truth bomb on you.

Almost everything the Left tells us about Project 2025 is complete bullshit.

I’ll give you a moment to catch your breaths.

Ready? Here we go.

One of the most common traits of each of the things said about Project 2025 listed above (and others that I didn’t catch) is the lack of attribution. Out of the claims I posted, only 1 gave a page number. And since I had a handy-dandy copy of the Project 2025 document, I was able to look up the page number and read what the poster claimed was there. And, surprise surprise, it wasn’t. It was a gross misrepresentation of what the document actually said.

That means the vast majority of claims made were made without a page number, just a “trust me, bro” as its attribution. So, when I looked for the verbiage used in the claims and came up emptier than a Kamala Harris victory party, that was a huge red flag that the post was utter bullshit. To borrow a phrase from the late Christopher Hitchens:

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

That may have worked well for Mr. Hitchens, but I’m more of a research nut, so I took the additional (and, admittedly, unnecessary) effort to look it up myself. Then, I could say what I found, point to what section(s) I read, and give more attribution than the poster could muster.

And, as you might expect, that wasn’t met with respect and an honest appreciation for finding the facts. Let’s just say the people I interacted with were on a really long boat trip in Egypt. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the Left was…lying.

I’m kidding. Of course I know they were lying, but they don’t want to tell you that. Hence the title.

And with that, we’ve come full circle! I love it when a blog post comes together.

Useful Idiot Beliefs

This is why it is difficult to convince the rank-and-file Leftist that conservatism is the better way to go. They are truly what the Leftist elites call “useful idiots”. This post on social media says it all. The true insanity of the Left and the full on Trump Derangement Syndrome at work.

Reading this post just blows my mind. And I feel sorry for the poster on multiple levels. Are they all this lost? Is there any hope for them at all? Well, while they draw breath there is still hope.

So in that case I will enlighten them to the truth of the matter.

Dear Poster,

Fear not and know that you may sleep well. The world is going to be OK. The current wars are going to end and peace will once again be known and felt in the world. We will slide back from the brink of destruction on a global scale.

Vice-President Elect JD Vance isn’t going to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove President Elect Donald Trump from power. However, JD Vance will most likely run in 2028 since Trump will not be able to seek a 3rd term.

There aren’t going to be any camps. The only time in US History that we had camps for “the enemies within” was during World War 2. And those camps were setup by a Democratic President, FDR. And the only person calling for re-education camps is the Democratic leader, Hillary Clinton. And these camps are to re-educate Trump supporters. It’s the Democratic party that wants to setup camps for their opponents.

YouTube and Facebook are owned by the Meta Corporation, a very progressive company. The entire service is progressive and anti-Trump, anti-Republican, anti-American, and anti-conservative. Just having an account on these platforms is progressive.

Donate all you want to whatever cause you believe in. Some maybe tax deductible. Especially since the IRS has been weaponized against conservative groups that would like that status but sadly are not.

The Constitution, which we all have to follow, explicitly forbids the passing of Ex Post Facto laws. So no such laws will ever be passed within our Republic.

And lastly dear friend, you are correct on one point. God did make this possible. He is in-charge of all things. If you really worshiped Him, you would know that God is Love and never changes. Dig into His Word and see that you, as a human being, cannot comprehend the ways of God. But you are to trust in Him as Job did. Even through trials and tribulations.

The God of the Bible is the only one True God. And he is not drunk on power. His power spoke the universe into existence. It doesn’t matter how old you think the Earth and the universe are … 6,000 years or billions of years. He was the one that made it.

All of those other so-called gods are nothing of the kind. Many are made up in the minds of men. The others are fallen angles, powerful compared to us humans, but created by God originally to serve Him just as we were. So there is only the One True God.

Turning your back on God while you draw His breath into your lungs is not a wise idea, but you are free to do so. But I would rather have you repent, turn from sin and unbelief. Believe in His Son, Christ Jesus, so that you may be spared the torment of Hell when you give up the ghost.

There is also no reason to live in fear of a Vance Presidency. It wont come for another 4 years. And if you actually READ Project 2025, there is nothing in it that a sane person would fear.

So in closing. May God have mercy upon you and lead you out of darkness.

The Truth about Project 2025

There is a lot of babble on the internet and social media about the Heritage Foundation’s latest edition of their white paper for a conservative administration. It’s called Project 2025 Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise or just Project 2025 for short.

President-Elect Donald Trump has stated over and over again that he isn’t going to implement Project 2025. The President-Elect has his own agenda, some of it may be in parallel with Project 2025 but it is not the same thing.

Project 2025 is a BIG book, having 922 pages from cover to cover. The commentary within was written by a number of authors and contributors, many of whom, have served in conservative administrations in the past.

This is intended to be a guidebook for the next conservative administration. In this case, for the 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. A gift to the incoming president from the Heritage Foundation.

It is a heavy, and at times, a boring read. It might be the size of two novels but it’s not a story to capture the reader. Even with that I am going to recommend that everyone should read this publication. That way you can know what is in it and what is not in it directly. And see who is lying to you about it.

The publication is freely available from the Heritage Foundation. And it will open your eyes to the detailed workings of our executive branch. And just how big it is in size.

Within the forward are the four stated goals for the Mandate for Leadership.

  1. Restore the family as the centerpiece for American life and protect our children.
  2. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.
  3. Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.
  4. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely — what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty.”

There are details for each of these points and the overall goals still within the forward section. I found nothing alarming unless one is a friend of Communist China that is stealing American farmland, industry, and intellectual property. Or perhaps you are for addictive pornography and it’s effect on sexualizing our children and grandchildren and demeaning women. Then again maybe you like a bloated government that wastes your tax dollars and overspends us into unrecoverable debit. Then you will find those points and more very alarming.

These and many other issues are addressed within the pages of this book. No where does it take away anyone’s rights. In fact just the opposite, the aim is to restore the rights of the people..

The rest of the book is divided into sections that group together various departments and agencies of the executive branch. And in case you haven’t ever had a civics class. The President is the Chief Executive, and therefore, the head of the executive branch. These departments and agencies are discussed in fine details that include information on when they were created. What the goals are for each department (per their charters). It gives recent budget details and the number of civil service employees working within that department.

Each department gets a discussion on mission creep. The usefulness of the department in today’s modern world. Some departments are over 100’s old and others much younger. And then finally recommendations for day one and beyond.

Within these recommendations are what the President can do through Executive Orders, approval of the Senate, or without approval of the Senate. And there are recommendations about various Acts that Congress should pass in order to meet the recommendation goals.

Usually, there is a call for an audit of the department to find and eliminate wasteful spending. This can help the department better to focus their goals and mission. Recommendations include the possible reduction in staff, moving and or merging with other departments, or even the elimination of the department.

There are a number of departments that are redundant within the executive branch. These need to be ether combined or the redundant departments eliminated. Others work better if they were part of an different agency or department. Something that is doing a similar job and merging and moving can increase efficiency.

When a department is recommended to be shuttered, closed down for good. The authors know that sometimes this can be problematic to complete. Therefore they also give alternative recommendations to streamline the department without shutting it down. But I am in agreement on shutting down a few of them.

Some departments should be divorced from the Federal government. They should be moved to the private sector which would be better at running that department turned into a corporation. And makes that department immune to government corruption as it is no longer under the direct control of government.

This is the summary of Project 2025. Again I am highly recommending that you read it for yourself so that you can see there is nothing to fear from it. You can download it directly from the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 website. But if you don’t want to given them your information, I understand completely. That is way I am making it available here as well. See the Project 2025 download link at the bottom of this article.

If you have questions about Project 2025 and don’t feel like reading the 900+ pages for yourself; then ask away here in the comments. I will reply with the answer and even cite the text so you can see it in back and white.

Download Project 2025

Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

As you might have noticed, Leftists have this tendency to overblow some things (not using the correct pronouns leads to trans genocide) and underplay others (the Green New Deal is all about green energy…and enriching green companies who could drive a kid’s lemonade stand into Chapter 11 bankruptcy). Recently in Leftist circles online, the latest buzz is around Project 2025, a little something the kids at the Heritage Foundation put together in preparation of a Republican becoming President in 2025. To hear the Left talk about it, it’s a blueprint for an oppressive conservative government. You know, just like the Trump Presidency was?

By the way, Leftists, that was sarcasm.

What isn’t sarcasm is how Leftists are losing their shit over Project 2025, so that means it’s a worthy topic for this week’s Lexicon.

Project 2025

What the Left thinks it means – a plan by extreme right wingers to destroy the federal government

What it really means – a wish list of conservative expectations should a Republican become President sooner rather than later

The Heritage Foundation describes its mission as:

Heritage’s mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

No wonder the Left thinks they’re worse than bathing, holding down a steady job, and not hating Jews.

Although this would be enough to outrage any Leftist, the existence of Project 2025 sets them off more than assuming their genders. (Pro Tip: still 2) In fact, Leftists have been screeching about it being a template for Donald Trump to get revenge for his 2020 loss, a means to bring about “widespread, wholesale policy violence“, a “movement that could erode black equality“, and other hyperbolic statements that would make hypochondriacs look sober and rational.

So, what is it exactly? In one form, it’s a nearly-1000 page book outlining different areas the Heritage Foundation would like the next Republican President would enact. There are five major legs to this policy stool:

Taking the Reins of Government
The Common Defense
The General Welfare
The Economy
Independent Regulatory Agencies

Given what the Heritage Foundation’s mission statement referenced above says, some of these are “no fucking duh” policy areas. Of course, this sort of thing is confusing to Leftists and, thus, evil! But for others who can read and write at beyond the Socialist Socialite level, it shouldn’t be so much of a mystery to get Scooby and the Gang to figure out. And they don’t even have to talk to Old Man Jenkins, the guy who runs the haunted Washington think tank!

After looking at some of the proposals (since I didn’t have time to read the whole thing due to having to work for a living), most of them don’t sound so bad. Some of them, like suggesting dismantling the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, have me giddy with delight for reasons I won’t get into here. But that I did get into here.

So, why are Leftists losing their collectivist shit over Project 2025? The most obvious reason is, if implemented, it will undo a lot of what they’ve been able to do under President Brick Tamland and even further back. The Left loves bureaucracy because it’s easy and well-paying work. You could put an elderly guy with an affinity for lying and not being able to string together full sentences at the head of such an agency and Leftists wouldn’t bat an eye. Good thing America isn’t so stupid as to let that kind of person have any kind of power, amirite?

Beyond the surface, though, there is an air of the Right picking up on tactics the Left have been using for decades. Like creating training courses for future conservative leaders, for example. Teaching potential leaders on how to advance a political agenda is a horrible practice…that Democrats have been doing for a while now. And Progressives. But it’s not like the Left has a think tank backing them…oh, shit, yes they do! In fact, the Left has a network of groups that do what they’re afraid the Heritage Foundation wants to do.

And that’s the operative word here, kids: afraid. The Right has one major advantage over the Left in that the Right tends to understand how things work. With modern technology, not so much, but with more concrete concepts, absolutely. When the Right decides to do something the Left does, they tend to do it better and more successfully. When the Left tries to do something the Right does, it tends to be a disaster. The former gave us Fox News Channel. The latter gave us Err America.

It’s this fear the Left is manifesting in shrieking harpy-esque ways. If the Heritage Foundation’s plans are successful, the Left will have to fight on a little more even ground than they’ve had to previously. And if things aren’t tilted in their favor, it’s just not fair, dammit!

But this fear manifests itself in another way, that being creating doomsday scenarios where we’re living in a Handmaid’s Tale dystopia. Or a Hunger Games dystopia. Or some other fictional dystopia that the kids are hip to these days. Remember how Donald Trump was going to turn America into Nazi Germany? Contrary to the Leftist protests to the contrary, that didn’t happen. Women weren’t relegated to second-class citizens (they had to wait until Brick Tamland became President for that to happen). People who disagreed didn’t get rounded up and put into camps. In fact, little, if any, of the dire predictions the Left invented over the Trump Presidency came true.

That’s another advantage the Right has over the Left. They don’t have a no-contact order against reality.

But the thing about Project 2025 that scares Leftists more shitless than eating an ExLax Enchilada from Taco Bell? People might actually agree with the proposals in the current political environment. Leftists suck when it comes to arguing ideas since they tend not to have two functioning brain cells to rub together. That’s why they appeal so often to emotions. When someone comes up with a better way to do things, the self-professed progressives tend to be a lot less receptive to change, especially if the better way disrupts the way the Left likes to do things. And anything that disrupts their status quo gets the Left really pissed off.

The one knock I have against Project 2025 is its implementation hinges upon the will of the Republican in the Oval Office. Although former President Trump did listen to the Heritage Foundation on some matters, they were at loggerheads on others. This puts Republicans and conservatives into a no-win situation. Either you support a candidate who agrees with 90% of an agenda and can win or a candidate who agrees 100% and can’t win. And then watch as that 90% gets whittled down bit by bit because reasons.

And people wonder why I left the GOP?

The larger point here is Project 2025 is ambitious even by Republican standards, but it doesn’t mean shit without the will to bring it about. Leftists are going to scream and cry because that’s what they do, but the Right needs to put some muscle behind the ideas. Given how spineless Republican “leaders” have been in recent decades, I don’t think the Left has to worry about Project 2025 becoming a reality. That will give them more time to deal in fantasy, like convincing people a man in a dress is actually a woman in spite of having a dick as big as a four-year-old’s arm.