Trump Indictment

The indictment of President Trump is nothing more than a mug shot photo op for the Left.

A grand jury is not a trial. It is a one-sided, rigged from the start, secret and closed-door, pep rally for the prosecution. Often politically motivated and even used as a political stepping stone by the attorney general or other prosecutor that calls one.

This grand jury and indictment is just that. A political show. The attorney general ran on the campaign promise to have a grand jury indict President Trump. This will be his feather in his cap if the idiot survives the fallout.

The charge itself is bogus. It isn’t a federal crime. In fact, it isn’t even a local crime any more. It has long lost due to the statute of limitations on this misdemeanor charge.

There will be fallout politically due to this 1st in the nation incident. The Left will use it against the 2024 Trump Campaign. And the Trump Campaign will use it in their favor as well. But it will also lead to more distrust in our government and justice system.

Biden is Your President

I keep seeing Conservatives and Republicans doing the same thing that the Left did under President Trump. Saying the line “not my president”. This time of course for President Biden.

They are just as wrong as the Leftists were 4 years ago. Because if you are an American Citizen. Joe Biden is your President.

Yes President Biden’s entire Administration is legally questionable. And the evidence of it being fraudulent, illegitimate, and illegal keeps mounting as investigations continue by the several States. But he is still your President.

What we may have is a Constitutional and legal crisis if it is determined that the entirety of the Biden/Harris Administration is fraudulent and illegal. We have no Constitutional means to reinstate President Donald Trump. That will never be the outcome.

President Trump didn’t win the 2020 election. It may be proven that he didn’t lose it. But it cannot be proven that he won it.

The Democratic controlled House and Senate wont impeach the entire Administration. So this matter would be taken to the Supreme Court for them to issue their opinion on the matter since Biden/Harris are not legally in office. They cannot legally appoint members to the Cabinet and other high offices.

The only logical solution would be to use the Presidential line of succession to the first eligible person not appointed by the Biden/Harris Administration. That would be the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. And if she did not accept the Office of President it would be the President pro tempore of the Senate, Patrick Leahy.

One of these two individuals are the only lawful choices in the Presidential line of succession to take over the office until the 2024 election. There is no other choice legally available.

Congress would have to use the remaining time to draft legislation to give additional options in case such an event were to ever happen again. But we are stuck with a Democratic President until 2024 no matter what happens.

The Socialist Utopia

If Biden Harris becomes President in 2021 we can expect a few kept promises from the campaign. The first promise is to repeal the Trump tax cuts.

So your taxes and mine will be going up. Not just the taxes on the so-called rich who make over 400k a year, this is a fantasy the Left wants the useful idiots to believe, and they do. Biden Harris will not pay a die more in their own taxes.

The next promise is to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord. This of course will cause an increase in taxes. And the loss of manufacturing jobs and businesses that President Trump got to return to the United States. These jobs and business would again leave the country.

On the minor covid19 issue. It would be blown even more out of proportion. Mandatory mask mandate nationwide. Mandatory lockdowns nation wide. This of course creates a multitude of problems. Businesses permanently closing. Fortunes lost. Jobs lost. Mental health issues will continue to skyrocket in the areas of anxiety, depression, and isolation. And suicides will increase even more. The Leftist cure is worse than the disease.

Biden Harris will apologize to Iran and remove the sanctions placed by President Trump on this rogue state. And Iran will take advantage of this renewed blindness to their evil and become a nuclear threat in the Middle East and beyond.

Israel will be hardest hit. Biden Harris will not be a friend of Israel, our only real ally in the Middle East region. Israel could see sanctions and loss of funding from the United States. And continued antisemitism that the Left is famous for and it will also increase.

North Korea will become a powder keg once again. Without President Trump’s leadership and his attempts to bring peace to the Korean Peninsula, Kim Jung-un will have no choice but to return to his hardline stances and weapon testing and the production of nuclear capable weapon platforms. His country will demand it and he wont have the United States President as a friend. Kim Jung-un will either have to become hardline or he will be assassinated and replaced by someone who will completely destabilize the Pacific Rim.

Biden Harris plans on ending oil production in the United States. Currently under President Trump, the United States is a world EXPORTER of oil and energy. And for the first time in many decades, the United States is energy independent. Under Biden Harris, the United States would lose 10’s of millions of jobs if the oil industry is ended. And we would become dependent on other countries for our energy and many oil based goods. See for a partial list of products that would be impacted. This policy would raise the cost of all of these products. On top of the lost jobs and higher taxes that will happen.

The ObamaCare mandate will be reinstated by Biden Harris. And they will work hard at destroying the private insurance market moving all Americans into government ran healthcare. The very reason why so many foreigners come to the United States to get good quality private care will be gone.

These are just the tips of the iceberg that awaits America in the Biden Harris Socialist Utopia. The end of Liberty, the end of freedom, the end of American Exceptionalism, the end of the Republic.

The President’s Taxes

What we are seeing with the released income tax information of President Trump is exactly why the present system doesn’t work. Our current system of income tax creates far more issues than it ever solves. And it took a Constitutional amendment in order to even enact it.

The taxation of income is morally wrong. It wastes taxpayer money on enforcement and compliance. It is unfair to the working class and poor. It is over complicated. It has been weaponized against political opponents. And the list goes on and on.

As for the President’s taxes. I don’t care. It isn’t an issue. His income is his business and not mine or yours. Unless you have envy in your heart and covet his wealth. The President’s taxes have nothing to do with how well he will be president or is fit for the job.

Due to our current tax code. President Trump doesn’t do his own taxes. He hires professionals to do that who find all the possible exceptions he can take. Thus reducing his tax burden to mere pennies. I say good for him. I would do the same thing if it was within my means to do so.

This isn’t an impeachable offense at all. This is following the current tax laws and having it benefit the taxpayer. Anyone is able to do this if they either know the tax laws themselves or hire the appropriate professionals. This isn’t an issue with the President. This is an issue with the current tax code.

If you don’t like that the President paid only $750 in taxes. Have the law changed. Abolish the IRS and get the FairTax going. Then you get to keep all of your paycheck and don’t have to report any of it to the government. Or get a better tax professional.

Advice and Consent

With the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg the U.S. Supreme Court is down a member. It is the President’s job to nominate a replacement Justice for the Supreme Court. And per the Constitution it is the Senate’s job to confirm or deny such appointments.

Throughout President Trump’s presidency the Senate has dragged its heels in the confirmations of his Administration. No other president in history has had such a delay in getting their nominees appointed or even getting Senate hearings for them. So the Senate certainly isn’t Pro-Trump otherwise this would not be the case.

During the previous administration, there was an opening on the Supreme Court and President Obama did his duty in nominating a replacement Justice. And the Senate did their duty as well.

They rightly refused to have a hearing for the confirmation of Merrick Garland who was nominated by President Obama. The Constitution clearly states that the President needs the Advice and Consent of the Senate to appoint Judges to the Supreme Court. The Senate did not give their Advice or Consent in President Obama’s nomination of Mr. Garland. Yet he didn’t have any issues getting his administration confirmed.

The Senate is under no obligation to give consent to any appointment. That is why there are many still open positions within the Administration of President Trump. The Senate hasn’t given their consent to his appointments. He will either have to withdraw the nominees and appoint someone else or wait to see if it gets filled.

So here we are coming up on a presidential election in November. And President Trump is still the President of the United States until at least January 20th of 2021. And I pray that he is President for the next four years as well.

No matter the outcome of the coming election. If President Trump submits a nomination to the Senate. The Senate has every right to either hold hearings and confirm the nomination or reject it.

Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

I have been waiting a long time to write about this topic (partially because of the hacking attack on the site, partially because this is a fun topic).

With Coronavirus-A-Palooza running roughshod around the world like a Guns N Roses concert with security supplied by the Hell’s Angels, people look for someone or something to guide us. One such something is the World Health Organization. The Left loves the WHO for multiple reasons, with the main one being…Orange Man Bad.

Yet, are they truly the go-to folks for a global pandemic? That’s a matter of opinion, just like these Leftist Lexicon pieces you kind folks keep reading and circulating. However, unlike some of the people rooting for the WHO, my opinions tend not to be tainted by anti-Trump ideology. Plus, I tend to bathe regularly.

World Health Organization

What the Left thinks it means – a team of professionals devoted to scientific discovery and the advancement of medical science as they combat global health issues

What it really means – a group that is to medicine what the United Nations is to global stability

The real definition isn’t an accident. The WHO is a part of the UN, which should raise more than a few eyebrows considering what the latter group is known to have done. Unless, of course, you’re cool with child rape, giving a non-existent country more of a platform than a member nation, and allowing such human rights champions as Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Syria spots on the UN Human Rights Council unironically.

Well, at least the WHO is above board, right? Yeaaaaah, not so much. Just with the COVID-19 situation, we’ve seen them proclaim there was no evidence of person-to-person transmittal of the virus, even as it was literally happening. The head of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, spoke glowingly of the way China handled the COVID-19 outbreak in January, even as China hid their real numbers. Although his name would get you at least a Triple Word Score in Scrabble, his value has fallen more than oil prices, and just about as rapidly.

Although this begs a lot of questions, one of the primary ones should be what the WHO actually does. If you listen to the Left, you would think they’re hard at work in laboratories working around the clock trying to figure out how to combat COVID-19. Which, of course, is bullshit. As you might expect with any organization connected to the UN and with the word “World” in its name, it’s a bureaucratic nightmare that would make the DMV look like The Flash.

And just like with any bureaucracy, the WHO has a nasty spending habit with few tangible results. According to an internal report, the WHO spent nearly $192 million in 2018 on…travel. And that number was down from what they spent in 2017 on the same expenses. And what did the World Health Organization spend in 2018 on medical supplies and materials? Half of what it spent on travel. And we’re not talking about economy class flights here. The WHO lives large off our tax dollars.

That’s right, kids. We are the number one financial contributor to the WHO, even higher than the UN itself. Which is exactly what we do with the UN: pay out the nose for service that we would ask to see the manager for if we received in real life. Especially if we were named Karen. (Yes, I went there.)

The aforementioned internal report also mentioned the WHO spends its time trying to find medical solutions for social and economic problems, which takes it out of the realm of medicine and into the world of Leftist ideology. The Left keeps trying to apply science to problems that have little to do with science because it lends credibility to their hare-brained ideas that have yet to actually work. Most people, unfortunately, buy into this line of thinking because we’ve been taught to listen to the experts. Well, at least until the experts prove the Left wrong.

The Left needs the WHO to be the experts with COVID-19 because it ticks all of their ideological boxes: a bloated unaccountable entity focused more on social justice than actually doing its job. Plus, more people are going to reflexively believe the WHO over President Trump’s COVID-19 task force solely because of the name. This is a logical fallacy known as an appeal to authority, where the seemingly logical conclusion is based solely on because someone with presumed superiority over us says so. That is the go-to Leftist position because they believe they are the experts.

Yet, when you consider what the WHO is doing with the money we’re giving them and what they should be doing, it’s hard for me to say they are the experts we need to be listening to on COVID-19. It’s clear they’re operating either as a willing culprit in the whitewashing of China’s poor handling of the disease or useful idiots doing China’s bidding at the expense of its reputation. Just like CNN!

And until the WHO can show the class they are completing their assignments within the set parameters, we should trust them as much as we trust Joe Biden’s memory. Given how they’re more enamored with cushy travel perks than with decidedly non-cushy jobs working on behalf of the world’s health, I’m guessing we’ll see that happening about the time Stacey Abrams accepts losing in 2018.

Covid-19 Disinfectant Cures

President Trump is in the headlines again. Over comments made at his daily briefing on Thursday for the Covid-19 crisis. Those that have Trump Derangement Syndrome are going out of their minds about it. While this is hardly new it does need to be investigated.

In our world today there are no honest news outlets. One has to examine every source as close to the original as possible in order to figure out what has really happened versus the fictional spin put on things about any news agency. This is the case with Thursday’s Presidential news briefing.

Everyone is seeing what the media outlets want you to see. Weeks ago they stopped airing the full content of President Trump’s briefings out of their own Trump Derangement Syndrome. Thus you aren’t getting the full and true story. You are only getting the spin the media wants you to hear and believe.

The false narrative is that President Trump thinks everyone who has Covid-19 should be injected with disinfectant to kill the virus in them. And this is absurd. You would have to be either deranged, naive, or frakking retarded to believe such nonsense.

So we will get the information strait from the most reliable source. The White House transcripts of the briefing. This will give us every word said by the President and other parties involved on Thursday the 23rd of April.

During the briefing Mr Bill Bryan spoke, he is the Acting Under Secretary of the Science and Technology Directorate at the US Department of Homeland Security. His department is conducting research into the Covid-19 virus. And has found that the virus prefers colder temperatures and darker conditions. Thus light, heat, and humidity can cause the virus to die sooner than other conditions.

Under Secretary Bryan also stated that they have conducted experiments with common cleaners to see how the virus can be killed. It turns out that bleach and isopropyl alcohol are the best to clean surfaces to kill the virus.

After the Under Secretary spoke, President Trump again took the podium. He commented on his private conversations with the Under Secretary during their private briefing. The President asked about light being used as a weapon in treatment against Covid-19. He had asked if there was a way to have that inside the body to kill the virus in a patient.

The President continued about how effective the disinfectants where, they can kill the virus in under a minute. Just by coming into contact with it. That is fantastic. But this is when the President remarked his private conversation when he inquired about a way this could be replicated with a human through injection or something. And stated it would interesting to check on that possibility.

What the President said is totally understandable. He knows full well by the language used that you cannot inject bleach or any other disinfecting into a person in its current commercial form. It would be absurd to believe that was what he was saying. It’s certainly not may take on it.

If there was a way to replicate the effects without the dangers. We should look into it. Many other viruses could be killed that way in the human body. Let’s get science moving again in the direction of truth and breaking the barriers of impossibilities.

A little later during the briefing a reporter, who is not named nor is his media outlet stated:

But I — just, can I ask about — the President mentioned the idea of cleaners, like bleach and isopropyl alcohol you mentioned. There’s no scenario that that could be injected into a person, is there? I mean —

Then the Under Secretary said:

No, I’m here to talk about the findings that we had in the study. We won’t do that within that lab and our lab. So —

Which was followed by President Trump who clarified the comments as:

It wouldn’t be through injection. We’re talking about through almost a cleaning, sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work. But it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.

And at this point the line of questioning by the press members present was dropped. They went on to ask questions about other related topics such as the economy, the summer, and the reopening plans of various states.

It is totally clear from the real complete record that President Trump did not say we should inject people with disinfectants. Nor did he say that one should do that to themselves in any way shape or form.

It is only the spin of the Trump Derangement Syndrome that has gripped the media since he was elected president back in 2016. Get your facts straight.