The Left and their memes. Time again to dive into one and break it down and destroy it.

It beings with a lie. The Left is certainly and categorically mad at anyone who does not conform to their political ideology. This is why Hilary Clinton stated that Republicans were the number one threat to democracy and that Trump supporters should be put into re-education camps.
There are even families that have been torn apart due to a Leftist member who is mad as hell and hates their family members who aren’t Leftists like them. So they are truly mad because of our political views.
The next section lists several veiled attacks on President Trump. Many of which are false or at least misleading. Just part of the Leftist propaganda for useful idiots and their talking points.
SA. That’s Sexual Assault. I had to ask a Leftist since I couldn’t figure out what the abbreviation was representing. It’s not a common abbreviation after all. These kind of attacks are common against wealthy and famous peoples. A great majority of these s0-called assaults have been recanted by their tellers as false claims.
The majority of these cases have zero evidence. There is no DNA, no rape kit, no immediate going to the police. Also, many of these alleged sexual assaults are filed as cases in New York. A heavily dominated Leftist stronghold. So much so that Trump left his home state.
When the Left is against a political candidate or appointee, there are always charges of sexual assault made against them. Someone comes forward states that X happened in such and such year. Yet, the Left ignores the blatant and easily seen evidence of there own. Just look at President Biden’s wandering hands. And even President Clinton’s actions in the Oval Office. The list is longer of course but the Left ignores them all because the perpetrator is a Democrat.
Ah, “women’s rights“, of course the means abortion at any time up to and including birth. This is what the Left demands. Infanticide on demand. You can easily see that within the Leftist movement of women who are shaving their heads today now that Trump won the election. This is what they want despite what they say.
President Trump thinks that abortion should be a States issue. And currently it is just that. If you don’t like that or how your state is handling the issue. Get involved or move.
Racism. A lie of lies. And this has been debunked even in the mainstream media. I’ve written about this one many times in many forms. The Republican Party was founded to end slavery. While the southern Democratic Party was in opposition to that end of slavery. And left the Union because of it.
Republicans don’t give a hoot about one’s skin color. We care about your character and merits. The Democratic Left, like all Leftist movements, seeks to divide everyone by class, race, or other identifiable groups.
And of course, Donald Trump isn’t a racist. I’ve written about that too and how he makes a terrible racist.
Homophobia. What? This one makes no sense at all. But we will look at it in detail anyway. First what is a phobia?
“A phobia is an anxiety disorder, defined by an irrational, unrealistic, persistant and excessive fear of an object or situation. Phobias typically result in a rapid onset of fear and are usually present for more than six months. Those affected go to great lengths to avoid the situation or object, to a degree greater than the actual danger period.”
Using the true definition of phobia there are very few people who would have homophobia. We all know however that the Left always changes the language. Even to the point of dumbing it down to limit critical thinking and resistance.
So to the Left homophobia is anyone who disagrees with the LGBTQ+ agenda. Including transsexualization of children and the newest “sexual orientation” of minor attracted persons aka pedophiles.
President Trump is certainly against the transsexualization of children and pedophiles. Everyone should be against the rape of children and the insanity of sexually mutilating and confusing children.
But President Trump, in his first term, appointed an openly gay man to a cabinet level position. Trump was the first president to do so. He is not homophobic.
Lying. Seriously!? There isn’t a single person who isn’t a liar. And unfortunately it is a mainstay in politics. No one candidate or office holder would be innocent of this charge. Try something serious as this one doesn’t count.
Many Presidential candidates make promises on the campaign trail that they don’t intend to keep. Some are promises that they need the backing of Congress to keep. President Trump, in his first term has a good track record of keeping promises.
And if lying is a deal breaker for you on any politician. You aren’t voting for anyone.
Etc. Etcetera. If your are going to list things you don’t like about a candidate or the voters of a candidate. List them. Don’t use Etc. This isn’t an issue. It isn’t a dealbreaker. Because it isn’t anything. It is moot and stricken from the record.
None of these so-called points or charges are deal breakers for the reasons already listed above. Most are false charges and just shows the insanity of Trump Derangement Syndrome in the minds of the Left and their useful idiots.
So, yes they are mad at us for our political views. It doesn’t matter because we know these are false points and have no merit. We know they are made up lies that the Left uses so they can work on their true agenda. The destruction of the American Republic.
It doesn’t matter because we know that the Left always accuses their opponents of crimes that they are committing. This is right out of the Rules for Radicals handbook. It causes confusion in the minds of the useful idiots.
Of course we are a problem. We stand to defend the Constitution as written. We stand to defend our Judeo-Christian morality and ethics. We stand to defend Western Civilization. We are the problem to the Left as we stand for freedom and Liberty for all.