Flipping the Script

Now, I’ll be the first one to admit I have some pretty oddball ideas, but I am committed (or should be) to expressing them on the off chance they’re not that far off from reality.

This one is one of those that once you see it, you can’t unsee it. And it has its origins waaaaaaay back in the era of big hair (on men and women), the Cola Wars, and 2 out of 3 of the good Star Wars movies, the 1980s. There was a group that went out of its way to inject itself into social issues, coming up with all sorts of statements about how the country was sliding into a moral abyss and demands for someone to do something to stop that slide from happening. Everything from games to popular culture got scrutinized and, if found wanting in their eyes, got run through the mud.

If you can’t remember them (or have put them out of your minds for your own mental health), they were known as the Moral Majority. They were loud, obnoxious, and most of all wrong about much of what they said was going to happen. For example, I’m still waiting to turn Wiccan or Satanic from playing Dungeons and Dragons. Maybe I got a bad batch…

Anyway, the Moral Majority reveled in taking the fun out of life and being Gladys Kravitz on pure Colombian marching powder (oddly enough, also really popular in the 80s). But as time went on, people took notice that they were full of shit and mocked them relentlessly until they faded into the background, a relic of a bygone era when whipping up a mob was a lot harder than going onto Instagram and posting a video. You actually had to do some work!

With that being said, can you think of anyone today who might be doing the same things the Moral Majority did? Anyone at all? Could it be…oh, I don’t know…SATAN?

Sorry. Wrong franchise.

When you really think about it (and I do because otherwise I wouldn’t have anything to write about), the Left seems to have taken up the mantle of the Moral Majority. Let’s follow our handy dandy checklist, shall we?

Sanctimonious assholes involved? Check.

An utter lack of understanding of the subject matter? Yep.

Loud? You bet!

Obnoxious? Oh, yeah.

Professed concern about the future? Sure!

Okay with government stepping in to regulate what they don’t like? Sho nuff!

Congratulations, Leftists. You’re the new Moral Majority, and that’s not a good thing. However, I’m good with you taking up the mantle because it allows me the option to either mock you, ignore you, or a little from column A and a little from column B. Regardless, the best part about it is you will be mostly forgotten in a few years, leaving the rest of us to enjoy life the way it was meant to be enjoyed: without nosy assholes telling us why we’re wrong for enjoying life.

Noses Up, Thumbs Down

As a recovering Leftist, I could go on for days about everything I see wrong with the current Left, mainly because they tend to be the same problems I saw when I was among their ranks. They’re not even original enough to recycle their problems!

The one common aspect that flows through all of these issues is arrogance. Regardless of the circumstances, Leftists always think they’re the smartest people in the room and aren’t afraid to let you know it. And they’re obviously better than you because they’re Leftists.

If that logic were any more circular it would give me motion sickness.

And that’s on top of the nausea I get when listening to Leftists expound upon their brilliance with takes worse than letting Lindsey Lohan be your AA sponsor. Just look back at any of the Leftists livestreaming the 2024 election. Down to the one, they all had the same take: Queen Kamala the Appointed was not only going to win, but ran a flawless campaign. Only the worst possible people could possibly vote for Donald Trump!

Yeah, about that.

Not only did Leftists double down on the “everyone else is stupid” rhetoric (which always brings people to the polls…to vote against them), but they also did what they did with climate change “research”: start with the answer and work backwards, ignoring anything that contradicts the desired results. In doing so, the Left has become the personification of the Principal Skinner “No, it’s the children who are wrong” meme.

To this day (see local listings for Leftist insanity in your area) the Left will do anything they can to avoid the one thing they need to do to move forward: admit they were wrong. And to their credit, some Leftists are starting to do just that, whether it be out of a crisis of conscience or a crisis of potential irrelevancy. Most of them, however, are confident it’s everyone else who is to blame for their own fuck-ups.

That’s the thing about egotists. They can never fail; they can only be failed. When they make a mistake, it’s always someone else’s or something else’s fault. And guess who is using this very tactic to explain away the 2024 election debacle and prepare for the 2028 election debacle?

You got it. The same people who gave us Queen Kamala the Appointed.

And it’s not just in politics where the Left claim to be smarter than everyone else. The Leftist smug reaches in to academia, especially science. Climate change predictions that never come true, COVID-19 guidelines based on utter bullshit, people who make Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson the de facto experts on all things science (even when the science is not in their respective backgrounds), the adoption of 72 genders (Spoiler Alert: still just 2), the acceptance that trans women are no different than biological women, and many more anti-science takes from the self-professed “Party of Science.” And if you dare speak out and present data that proves them wrong, you’re a heretic and must be dismissed, censored, maligned, called a conspiracy nut, and so on.

And if these Leftist science fans are proven wrong, that information gets memory-holed faster than Eric Roberts accepts a role. An example of this is evolution. Growing up, all the Leftists (myself included) said man evolved from apes. It was repeated so much that it became the common truth, in spite of the fact there wasn’t much science to back it up. Years later, I was in an AOL chat room (ah, those were the days) and mentioned this. A Leftist then told me no scientist actually believed that and that I was making it up. No matter what sources I used or firsthand direct experience I had to the contrary, it was never enough to satisfy the Leftist. Their orthodoxy had changed, or should I say…evolved.

I’ll see myself out.

But before I go, there is one more thing I have to point out. A lot of the Leftist bravado comes with little-to-no justification. They think they’re smart because they all believe the same things, but if what they believe is utterly stupid, it’s not a sign of brilliance. When you press them on any significant issue, most of the time they wind up looking like an idiot. Or worse yet, Cenk Uygur.

And yet they think this attitude is a real winner. Keep thinking that, kids. Just try to act surprised when this shit blows up in your face. Again.

False Assumptions in the Meme Time

The Left and their memes. Time again to dive into one and break it down and destroy it.

It beings with a lie. The Left is certainly and categorically mad at anyone who does not conform to their political ideology. This is why Hilary Clinton stated that Republicans were the number one threat to democracy and that Trump supporters should be put into re-education camps.

There are even families that have been torn apart due to a Leftist member who is mad as hell and hates their family members who aren’t Leftists like them. So they are truly mad because of our political views.

The next section lists several veiled attacks on President Trump. Many of which are false or at least misleading. Just part of the Leftist propaganda for useful idiots and their talking points.

SA. That’s Sexual Assault. I had to ask a Leftist since I couldn’t figure out what the abbreviation was representing. It’s not a common abbreviation after all. These kind of attacks are common against wealthy and famous peoples. A great majority of these s0-called assaults have been recanted by their tellers as false claims.

The majority of these cases have zero evidence. There is no DNA, no rape kit, no immediate going to the police. Also, many of these alleged sexual assaults are filed as cases in New York. A heavily dominated Leftist stronghold. So much so that Trump left his home state.

When the Left is against a political candidate or appointee, there are always charges of sexual assault made against them. Someone comes forward states that X happened in such and such year. Yet, the Left ignores the blatant and easily seen evidence of there own. Just look at President Biden’s wandering hands. And even President Clinton’s actions in the Oval Office. The list is longer of course but the Left ignores them all because the perpetrator is a Democrat.

Ah, “women’s rights“, of course the means abortion at any time up to and including birth. This is what the Left demands. Infanticide on demand. You can easily see that within the Leftist movement of women who are shaving their heads today now that Trump won the election. This is what they want despite what they say.

President Trump thinks that abortion should be a States issue. And currently it is just that. If you don’t like that or how your state is handling the issue. Get involved or move.

Racism. A lie of lies. And this has been debunked even in the mainstream media. I’ve written about this one many times in many forms. The Republican Party was founded to end slavery. While the southern Democratic Party was in opposition to that end of slavery. And left the Union because of it.

Republicans don’t give a hoot about one’s skin color. We care about your character and merits. The Democratic Left, like all Leftist movements, seeks to divide everyone by class, race, or other identifiable groups.

And of course, Donald Trump isn’t a racist. I’ve written about that too and how he makes a terrible racist.

Homophobia. What? This one makes no sense at all. But we will look at it in detail anyway. First what is a phobia?

“A phobia is an anxiety disorder, defined by an irrational, unrealistic, persistant and excessive fear of an object or situation. Phobias typically result in a rapid onset of fear and are usually present for more than six months. Those affected go to great lengths to avoid the situation or object, to a degree greater than the actual danger period.”

Using the true definition of phobia there are very few people who would have homophobia. We all know however that the Left always changes the language. Even to the point of dumbing it down to limit critical thinking and resistance.

So to the Left homophobia is anyone who disagrees with the LGBTQ+ agenda. Including transsexualization of children and the newest “sexual orientation” of minor attracted persons aka pedophiles.

President Trump is certainly against the transsexualization of children and pedophiles. Everyone should be against the rape of children and the insanity of sexually mutilating and confusing children.

But President Trump, in his first term, appointed an openly gay man to a cabinet level position. Trump was the first president to do so. He is not homophobic.

Lying. Seriously!? There isn’t a single person who isn’t a liar. And unfortunately it is a mainstay in politics. No one candidate or office holder would be innocent of this charge. Try something serious as this one doesn’t count.

Many Presidential candidates make promises on the campaign trail that they don’t intend to keep. Some are promises that they need the backing of Congress to keep. President Trump, in his first term has a good track record of keeping promises.

And if lying is a deal breaker for you on any politician. You aren’t voting for anyone.

Etc. Etcetera. If your are going to list things you don’t like about a candidate or the voters of a candidate. List them. Don’t use Etc. This isn’t an issue. It isn’t a dealbreaker. Because it isn’t anything. It is moot and stricken from the record.

None of these so-called points or charges are deal breakers for the reasons already listed above. Most are false charges and just shows the insanity of Trump Derangement Syndrome in the minds of the Left and their useful idiots.

So, yes they are mad at us for our political views. It doesn’t matter because we know these are false points and have no merit. We know they are made up lies that the Left uses so they can work on their true agenda. The destruction of the American Republic.

It doesn’t matter because we know that the Left always accuses their opponents of crimes that they are committing. This is right out of the Rules for Radicals handbook. It causes confusion in the minds of the useful idiots.

Of course we are a problem. We stand to defend the Constitution as written. We stand to defend our Judeo-Christian morality and ethics. We stand to defend Western Civilization. We are the problem to the Left as we stand for freedom and Liberty for all.

Party of Science, My Ass!

It wasn’t that long ago that politics and science were kept apart like men’s and women’s prisons. That was until Leftists decided to mix the two for the purposes of ideological advancement.

It started with global warming…ummm climate change…uhhhh climate catastrophes…or whatever the fuck they want to call it this minute. The point is climate science met someone who was willing to bring it into the limelight, but only after it became politics’ bitch. Enter Al “More Boring Than the Color Beige” Gore, a know-nothing know-it-all whose academic accomplishments were more underwhelming than my dating life. Prior to meeting my wife, of course!

Well, looks like I’m spending another night on the couch.

Anyway, Gore brought climate change into the forefront of American consciousness due in part to his book Earth in the Balance. Since I care about you and don’t want to bore you with a lengthy analysis, let me give you a summary.

Global Warming bad. Government good.

Here’s how bad it was. I had essentially a high school level knowledge of science and I was poking holes in ManBearPig’s arguments. But since he sounded like he knew what he was talking about, people believed him. And they still do even though he’s neck-and-neck with Paul Krugman on the idiot who can be the most wrong in modern American history.

But since the advent of the Internet, which Gore took credit for taking the initiative in creating it, surely we’ve become more scientifically literate, right? Not so much. And it’s usually the Left who is advancing the most unscientific bullshit. Here’s a sampling of “the Party of Science” and their greatest shits…I mean hits.

Trans women can get periods.
Trans women can get pregnant.
The COVID-19 vaccine stops the virus.
Climate change caused the recent eclipse.
Climate change affects earthquakes.
Guam could capsize.
The moon is mostly made of gases.
There are more than two genders.
Math is racist.
Science is racist.
Physics is racist.
Trans women athletes have no advantage over biological women.
Gender-affirming care is health care.
Abortion is health care.
Children can choose their gender.
Gun violence is a health care issue.
Conservatives are dumber than liberals/Leftists.

I could go on, but you get the idea. Leftists are quick to believe science is on their side…except when it isn’t. When the science proves Leftists are full of shit, Leftists pull out all sorts of excuses. The findings weren’t peer-reviewed. The study was founded by [insert name of Big Something-Or-Other]. Nobody should take these scientists seriously because they defy the established science.

And when the Left can’t use those excuses, they blackball the scientists and memory-hole their findings so no one else can know the truth.

As a fan of science, I’m disgusted by how Leftists have abused science to advance political ends. It’s gotten to the point Leftists have turned what should be an apolitical advancement of knowledge into a cult. And, really, that’s what the Left has done. Just look at this Anthony Fauci devotional candle. That kind of shit doesn’t come from a place of science. It only comes from a place of religious fervor.

And it’s not like Leftists raised incompetent or dishonest people to god-like status in recent history. I mean, aside from Robert Mueller. And Jack Smith. And Fani Willis. And Letitia James. And Adam Schiff. And Nancy Pelosi. And Barack Obama. And Michelle Obama.

On second thought, maybe they do.

By deifying science, Leftists have hindered real science by making it harder for people to accept what they’ve been told from the people Leftists say we need to trust without question. Science works best when that doubt is undercut by the actual process, a little thing the kids like to call the scientific method. As we’ve seen with climate “science” since ManBearPig’s time, the Left has flipped the script. Instead of letting the process confirm or reject the hypothesis, they’ve made it fine to start with the conclusion and work backwards so the science seems to support the conclusion.

But the thing about pseudoscience is it always gets exposed by the sunlight of actual science. All the shit the “Party of Science” told us about COVID-19 has all but been discredited to the point they’re asking for amnesty from their lies. After all, science changes over time, so we should forgive and forget, right?

Nope. Not when you’ve made science your bitch (and not in a good way).

Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

When you think about it (and I have because I don’t have a life), the Internet is a once-in-a-lifetime invention, and it has radically changed the way the world does things. Sorry, Paul Krugman.

Among the many elements of modern life affected by Al Gore’s invention, the way we communicate has changed. Not only do we have the ability to send images and videos around the world (which is useful to the Internet porn industry…not that I know anything about that, mind you), but it’s created a culture where its users share aspects of their lives, whether it be major events or the BLT you had for lunch.

And, as with anything that gets shared, some people aren’t going to like what is being shared. Enter one of the relatively new players in global Internet culture, LibsOfTikTok. Within the past few weeks, this one Internet account has been linked to anti-gay, anti-trans, and pro-Russia sentiments according to the Left. Are they right…errr correct? Let’s find out!


What the Left thinks it means – a dangerous Internet presence that has become a new weapon against the Left

What it really means – a dangerous Internet account to the Left because it exposes them and what they believe when they think no one is watching

Politicians in general, but Leftists especially, operate in secrecy as much as they can to prevent others from finding out how the ideological sausage is made. Before the advent of the Internet, it was a lot easier to show a public face and a private face. To her credit, Hillary Clinton is a master of this, and Leftists justify it no matter how dishonest it makes her look.

With the Internet and the way it’s affected how we interact with each other, it’s a lot more difficult because there are cameras everywhere (and I’m not just talking about the NSA’s cameras, either). All it takes is someone with a cell phone and an opportunity and a politician can look like the two-faced rat bastard he or she truly is.

But that same principle applies to other non-political figures, like public school teachers. With Leftists dominating the education system like the Harlem Globetrotters dominate the Washington Generals, the classroom has become the new ideological battleground where they have the high ground, the low ground, the middle ground, and pretty much any ground that isn’t already owned by the federal government. With that nigh-uniformity comes a sense of invincibility, which leads to a level of confidence and comfort that only the best hugboxes provide.

But I’m sure oversharing online while feeling untouchable would never end badly, right?

Enter Chaya Raichik, former real estate professional and current Leftist boogieman…errrr boogiewoman…errr boogieperson? Fuck it! We’re going with boogieman just to piss off the Left even more than they already are. Raichik started sharing videos Leftists made and put on social media willingly, but would make them look like raging assholes to anyone outside the Leftist hivemind. Whether it was teachers attempting to indoctrinate students to be more accepting of gay and trans people (a decent enough goal, but one that the parents should at least be in on) or quoting what hospital employees say about giving “gender affirming” medical procedures to children, she kicked a hornets’ nest, leaving Leftists to spin events so much the estate of Enrico Fermi is consulting lawyers to see what their legal options are.

With the Leftist dominance of social media, it wasn’t too long before platforms started to a) be filled with Leftist outrage over being exposed as creeps, and b) find ways to try to limit access to Raichik’s accounts. Why, it’s almost as though they had something to hide…

Missing in all of the outrage is a bit of perspective. Well, that, and self-respect, shame, and common sense, but you get the picture. Raichik wasn’t posting videos edited in a way to make the subjects look bad. She left that to the mainstream media since they’ve had much more experience. All she did was find the videos and post them.

And, not to put too fine a point on this, these videos Raichik posted were put up by the people themselves. Voluntarily. As in they made a conscious decision to post these videos. All she did was expand the reach through circulating them (and providing commentary at times so no one could doubt where she stood on the shit being posted).

For that, LibsofTikTok became public enemy number one with Leftists. Although they’ve succeeded in getting her social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram suspended, usually it’s been temporary. (Funny how these things seem to happen to conservatives primarily…oh, well. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.) This, of course, pisses off Leftists to no end. How can they attempt to subvert America with everybody pulling up a lawn chair and watching?

If there’s anyone who can identify closely with what Raichik is going through it’s James O’Keefe of Project Veritas. O’Keefe has suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous Leftist propaganda for doing what LibsofTikTok is doing. Granted, O’Keefe has shot himself in the foot a couple of times, which helps the Left paint him as untrustworthy, but far more often than not he has the goods. That makes him effective, which is why the Left have to try to destroy him however they can.

Thus, we have the gameplan going forward with LibsofTikTok. The thing that LibsofTikTok has in her favor, though, is the current state of communication these days. The Internet is the ultimate grapevine where you can hear gossip, news, and people complaining about gossip and news. While the Left holds onto social media tighter than Al Gore’s asshole, people of like minds still have a way to make their thoughts known using the very tools the Left controls. Email is still a thing, too, but it’s supplemented by YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and any number of means. Hell, even TikTok is reaching people. After all, there wouldn’t be a LibsofTikTok account without there being a TikTok to begin with. Now if only I could get my LibsofAmericaOnLine idea off the ground…

Regardless of how you feel about the person behind the account, it’s pretty fucked up to go after a person for posting what other people say online, and it’s being done with the express purpose of silencing dissent. I guess dissent is only patriotic when the Left is out of power. And to make matters worse, these folks are playing the victim when they advocate for bizarre and potentially deviant behavior and get caught. So, it’s okay to suggest adult/child sex isn’t wrong, but don’t you dare call attention to it because…reasons?

It would be a stretch to call what LibsofTikTok does as investigative journalism, mainly because I wouldn’t want to taint her with the connection to journalism right now. But the spirit is still there, and just like in the days when reporters would track down a story and be relentless in finding the truth, the powerful want to silence her. Ironically, it’s the nature of social media that makes those silencing attempts not only futile, but amplified to the point of saturation. And far be of me to disagree with the opinions of the journalistic giant that is Vice, but LibsofTikTok isn’t a threat to anyone except Leftists who want to keep their deeds kept undercover.

However, I have an idea that will get the Left to either bugger off or make their heads explode (so, a win-win). Just say LibsofTikTok identifies as Media Matters.

Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

Every so often, a story comes along that restores my faith in humanity. This one comes out of San Francisco, California, where there were three recall elections for members of their school board. Naturally, since they’re Leftists and in a city that leans to the left more than a base runner trying to avoid a pick off play, you might think they would have weathered the storm without issue.

Then, they got recalled, and it wasn’t even close. So, a happy ending!

Except when it came to the recalled board members, that is. One of them went so far as to blame white supremacy for her losing her position. After all, it couldn’t have been her shitty policies. It had to be those evil white supremacists!

I know we’ve covered this topic previously, but this past week has brought a renewed focus on the topic in areas where they really don’t belong. So, let me kick open a few doors where I don’t belong to shed some light on the subject.

white supremacy

What the Left thinks it means – a pervasive and perverse idea that has roots in every aspect of society

What it really means – an overused scapegoat that is thinner than Kate Moss on a coke binge

One of the great things about America is how diverse it is. Just as great is the fact most of the time we all get along pretty well. Sure, there are assholes who think the color of their skin makes them better than everyone else, but they don’t represent what the vast majority of the population thinks. Of course, the Left doesn’t believe that because a) they have a vested interest in keeping people at each others’ throats, b) they are out of touch with the people they claim to represent, and c) they’re dumbasses.

What the Left believes can be summed up in one word: victimhood. (The judges would have also accepted fuckery.) It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, if you have a skin color that is slightly darker than an albino George Hamilton, you’re a victim. And since President Donald Trump was a thing, the victimizers are white supremacists. Can’t get a mortgage loan? White supremacists. Public schools failing? White supremacists. Another Medea movie? Someone not telling Tyler Perry to knock it off, but I’m sure white supremacists are in there somewhere.

Even if you believe the Leftist narrative that white supremacy is all over the place (and, ironically enough, invisible), there is a point at which reality crashes the party. Going back to the San Francisco school board recall for a moment, the driving force behind the recall wasn’t a Karen or Kyle upset about Critical Race Theory; it was two Asian-American parents upset about the board being more interested in advancing an ideological agenda than in helping students advance in their education.

White supremacy, ladies and gentlemen!

Actually, that’s not too far off from what the Left believes right now. Any person of color who opposes the Left’s agenda is a tool of white supremacy, either wittingly or unwittingly. Larry Elder got called “the black face of white supremacy” in a totally unironic editorial because he was pushing for California Governor Gavin “I Make Jerry Brown Look Competent” Newsom to be recalled. The Freedom Convoy, which comprises drivers of many racial backgrounds, has been called a white supremacist movement.

Why, it’s almost as if Leftists don’t think non-whites can think for themselves!

But it gets even weirder, if you can believe that. A Leftist had a video go viral, and not in a good way, for arguing eating meat…is tied to white supremacy. Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached peak saturation of white supremacy. We can’t take any more of this shit.

This is the part where we have to ask whether white supremacy is as prevalent as the Left wants us to believe. If you look at things objectively (i.e. not listening to Leftist claptrap), it’s hard to agree with the Left’s observations. Many celebrities, athletes, and political figures look more like George Washington Carver than George Washington, and not surprisingly, most perpetuate the idea of victimhood. And, not surprisingly, the people who admire them buy into it because it coincides with what they believe and/or experience.

Yet, if white supremacy were as prevalent and powerful as the Left wants us to believe, how would the aforementioned celebrities, athletes, and political figures have become so prominent and beloved by people of all races? The Left will argue it’s because they’ve overcome white supremacy, but the reality is white supremacy isn’t as widespread nor as powerful as the Left wants us to believe. At this point, it’s become the go-to excuse for whenever the Left fails in their efforts or wants to undercut a popular movement that counters what they want.

And in both cases, it’s bullshit.

But here’s the surprise twist ending: the Left are projecting their own beliefs onto others so they can appear to be virtuous while hiding their racism in plain sight. Most of the people in positions of power within the Left are white. Most of the money used to fund Leftist efforts comes from whites. And even with groups like Black Lives Matter where blacks are seen as the leaders, the ones pulling all the strings are white.

Meanwhile, the people most negatively affected by this are throwing in their lots with the people who are keeping them down.

This isn’t to say there aren’t white supremacists out there who are convinced white makes right, but they tend to be much more visible and vocal about their intentions. As they always seem to say on crime shows, it’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for, and for some reason, the Left doesn’t want to talk about their own white supremacy. Funny thing, that.

Makes you wonder how Leftists can hear so many “racist dog whistles,” doesn’t it?

Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

It’s Spring (no thanks to Punxatawny Phil), and you know what that means, right? Neighbors starting to mow their lawns again! Being able to break out light jackets most days! The Chicago Cubs being mathematically eliminated from the post-season by the end of the National Anthem on Opening Day!

And talk of infrastructure.

Sure, infrastructure isn’t the most exciting topic to talk about, but it’s become one of the central themes of the Biden Administration. Well, that and circling back on questions Jen Psaki isn’t prepared to answer at the time and then never circling back. It must have caught on because Leftists are talking about it almost non-stop. Everything from schools to health care is being touted as being infrastructure.

And we wouldn’t be talking about it if they weren’t trying to pull a fast one on us.


What the Left thinks it means – services essential to running America successfully

What it really means – stuff we should be spending money on instead of stupid stuff

For once in a great while, the Venn Diagram between what the Left believes and I believe cross. I do see there is an infrastructure problem in America, as the potholes big enough to cause echoes exhibit. Where we part company is in how we address it. The Left wants to throw enough money around to fill the potholes in perpetuity, while I want to actually, you know, fix the fracking potholes! And why do our approaches differ so widely? It’s simple.

The Left doesn’t want to fix anything. They would rather leave a pothole where it is, no matter how many cars get swallowed up whole in them. A problem solved is a funding opportunity lost. And when I say “funding opportunity,” I mean funding opportunities…for themselves. The Left has found a way to turn government projects into ATM machines where your balance is never zero and you always have millions in deposits being made by good ole Uncle Sam.

This isn’t to say the Right is any better. Instead of funding studies on the mating habits of the 14-toed albino shrub sloth, the Right spends money on war. With the billions needed to fix roads, bridges, and buildings, I think the Department of Defense could do without 3 or 4 screwdrivers for the cause.

Yet, without fail, when the temperatures turn warmer, politicians start thinking like Norm Abrams and thinking they should fix the problems they find. Their problem is they’re as good with tools as Tim Taylor from “Home Improvement” and their version of Al Borland is just as inept. And on this edition of “This Old Country” we’re going to watch what manicured politicians do when they’re expected to get their hands dirty: absolutely nothing!

When you really think about it, and I have because I lack actual hobbies, this humorous aside uncovers the reason why everybody in Washington talks a good game, but never plays the infrastructure game. How many DC politicians and/or staff have to drive on the same city streets you and I do? How many wonder if the bridge they’re driving on could collapse like Lindsey Lohan on, well let’s be honest, any day ending with “day”? And how many do you think would put up with buildings less stable than Gary Busey after a bender with the aforementioned Ms. Lohan? Oddly enough, the answer is the same for all three questions.

Zero. Nada. El Zippo. The Big Bagel. The amount of self-awareness Eric Swalwell has.

Because it doesn’t affect them, the DC types (especially Leftists) don’t care about who it impacts.  

The funny thing about infrastructure is you can make an argument that anything is related to it. Remember the game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? It’s just like that, only more expensive and without a “Footloose” film credit. Even so, the Left’s attempts to shoehorn everything under the infrastructure tent are as bizarre as they are humorous. While some elements like high-speed rail or a pipeline would certainly fall under infrastructure, most of the Left’s additions, like paid leave, child care, and caregiving (according to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand) are more of a wish list than actual infrastructure.

Now that we’re over 700 words into this beast, maybe it’s time we set some ground rules. For me, infrastructure has more of a concrete and definite benefit to people and, in some cases, the greater societal need. Filling a pothole may not seem like much, but people will notice it when they don’t have to worry about wheel damage driving down a particular street. Rebuilding a downtown area affected by rio…I mean mostly peaceful protests or tackling a community project like building a park have tangible results that can be mapped out on a timeline.

While there is an argument to be made about child care, caregiving, paid leave, and other more esoteric ideas being infrastructure, I’m less inclined to include them for a couple of reasons. First, there isn’t a clear connection between the action taken and the result of said action. You can give a child all the love in the world, but if his/her aspirations go no further than being a YouTube celebrity, nothing of tangible value is gained. And you’d be hard-pressed to come up with an argument anything of esoteric value is gained, for that matter.

Second, and this is a big one, there is no discernable end-point. With rebuilding a bridge, you can not only see the progress, but you can see the end of it. With something like child care, there is no such indication we’re done. And when it comes to Leftists, if you do something for one group of people, it has to be spread out to every group for as long as they deem because if you don’t, you’re a bigot. (Of course, Leftists throw around the term like Randy Johnson in his prime, so…) So, no matter how deep you think your pockets are, be ready to keep turning them out with the Left’s idea of infrastructure.

For me, the biggest knock against the Left’s infrastructure calls is the Left doesn’t have a good track record when it comes to actual infrastructure. Remember “The Big Dig”? Sure, it’s one example, but it’s a disaster 25 years and several billion dollars in the making. Can you imagine what the Left would do with a bridge project? The Big Dig would look like a crack in the pavement, and it would be an eyesore and a financial drain for generations.

You know, like a Barbra Streisand concert ticket?

In the meantime, we need to resist the urge to throw anything and everything in the infrastructure bucket and focus more on what is infrastructure. Although most of what needs to be done is way outside of our respective paygrades, there are still some things we can do in our own backyards to fix the problems we see. And, the best part is we can do it without the federal government directing us. You will still have to deal with state and local authorities, but I guarantee they’re going to be a lot easier to deal with than the national folks are going to be.

As far as the Left’s Great Spending Spree Forward is concerned, just remember they aren’t above emotional manipulation to get what they want. And they will. Of course, they will also use absurdly stupid concepts to try to get what they want, so it makes it easier for us to a) recognize it, b) neutralize it, and c) laugh at it.

And extending Senator Gillibrand’s logic just a bit, mocking her is infrastructure!

Proof Positive

In the months leading up to the November 2020 elections there was a particular meme making the rounds on Social Media.

This meme says that you have the lawful right to demand a provisional ballot at your polling place if you are denied your right to vote.

The meme makes it sounds like the conservative Right was going to prevent lawful voters from voting. Of course this would never happen. If you are a citizen and your voting rights haven’t been removed due to committing a felony. Then no one is going to prevent you from voting.

And that is why I was initially confused about this meme. Because there is only one reason to deny a lawful voters right to vote. That is if they have already voted. I didn’t know it then. But that was the key for the meme.

Major Giuliani explained it well during the recent press briefing by the Trump legal team fighting the fraud in the 2020 election. The existence of this meme proves that the fraud was planned well in advance and what the Left wanted the voters to do if it happened to them at the polls.

The Left created the meme as an educational tool. Because they knew they were going to use fraudulent mail-in ballots to inflate the Biden vote in 7 major Democratic controlled cities. It would happen because the vote counters would randomly assign this fraudulent mail-in ballots to random voters.

If they didn’t show up at the polls nothing would be noticed. If they did, they could be turned away as already voting. So they needed to demand a provisional ballot and have a 2nd vote assigned to them.

This did indeed happen on election night. Evidence shows it happened at least 15,000 times in the city of Pittsburgh alone. Here citizens, lawful voters, showed up at the polls to vote only to discover they had voted by mail. They used the provisional ballot demand to vote again.

Total voter fraud. And it was planned. It was deliberate. Biden would have lost these cities if it wasn’t for the fraud. It can be proved in a court of law if we are able to get it to one. And then to the Supreme Court.

But these areas are deeply controlled by the Left. They do not want to hear reason or see evidence. And their appointed crony judges throw the cases out without hearing them.

If this voter fraud issue is not heard in court. It could be the death nail of our beloved Republic. And the beginning of the end of the American Dream.

The 2 sided Leftists

Leftists and their useful idiot masses who blindly follow them are known to have double standards. The Left can say and do what it wants but the Right is not allowed to defend itself or even address any issues.

Even if the Left asks for a reasoning. Anything that the Right says will be taken out of context, attacked, ridiculed, and eventually expunged. Here is another great example of this in full Social Media action.

During the Vice President debate the other evening between Vice President Pence and Senate Kamala Harris, a fly had landed on the Vice President’s stark white hair. We all know that flies can be very annoying. Dive-bombing and otherwise. It is not uncommon at all.

The Left went on a rampage attack against Vice President Pence after this fly incident. Calling him in multiple circles a “piece of shit.” And that is just wrong.

So I wrote a Facebook post about it … this is what I wrote:

Again I am appalled. I see a number of posts across Social Media that references the fly incident in the VP debate. And all people can say is that Vice President Pence is a Piece of Shit which is why the fly landed on him.

I find this appalling. And no matter what false moral high ground one thinks they are taking by uttering such language. It doesn’t reflect on the Vice President at all. It surely shows the character, or lack there of, with the person posting such comments.

No human being is a piece of shit. We are all created in the image of God. You can disagree with politics but to refer to another person in such language is wrong on so many levels. It just makes my blood boil.

If you are one of those who have degraded themselves with such language. Take a good hard look in the mirror and reflect on what is rotten in your own soul. And pray to God for forgiveness.

As you can see. It was short and to the point. It didn’t attack anyone. And it lets those that did attack the Vice President that they really need to look inside of themselves to find what darkness as crept in on their lives.

Of course this wasn’t the end of it. Oh no. Not by a long shot. So here is the further attack and derangement of the Left after I posted the above.

In our first block. The Leftist, which I don’t think is a true leftist just someone who has been pushed down the wrong path too long ago. I still hold out hope for deliverance here.

But we can see the author of the post is wondering why Conservative’s believe it is OK for President Trump (name misspelled above as an insult) to call Senator Harris a “monster” but it’s not OK to call Vice President Pence a POS.

If you notice the post got Likes and Laughs too. Nothing else.

A conversation in part between the original author and the first person to respond to the post, another lost soul thinking that no one would respond at all. And the original poster responding back after I did post an answer the the inquiry. But notice it too is being laughed at.

So then here is my response back. And unlike the other screenshots. I’m not hiding my name from it. No need to do so. I don’t need to protect the post from attack any more.

I did a great job I think defending the position of why it’s OK to call someone a Monster but not OK to address someone as a POS. Of course there on my post, I got 2 Laughs. It wasn’t taken seriously at all.

And the original poster slashed back with “I hear an excuse.” And that translated from the Left means. It doesn’t matter what you say.

And then we have the final post on this thread.

Here another Leftist issues a direct attack against me. The standard MO because they have no ground to stand on. They must resort to personal attacks. If a Conservative were to use the same tactic. Of course the Left would attack them back for making a personal attack. It’s part of the 2 sides of Leftists.

I find it sad and disheartening that such ignorance runs through the world. The Left cannot debate anything because they have nothing to stand on. No moral ground, no reason. It’s all raw emotion without logic and without thought.

CHOPped Short

If you had the under in the CHAZ/CHOP betting pool, go to the window to pick up your winnings.

After three weeks of murder, mayhem, and general government incompetence, the Seattle Police Department spent a few minutes of their morning today to retake the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest compound. And I do mean minutes. If they had retreated any faster, the French would have sued for copyright infringement.

The funny thing is their failure was not only imminent, but predictable. In order to be autonomous as CHOP claimed to be, there is a need for personal discipline and a respect for others. Needless to say the Left doesn’t subscribe to either of those. They want what they want when they want it and they don’t care how they get it, but once the bill comes to pay for what they want, the only thing you see of them is the cloud of dust as they leave as quickly as possible.

This is in contrast to the way libertarians (small and capital L) and some conservatives approach the idea of self-governance/autonomy. Although they passionately believe in Man’s natural desire to be free, they also understand the necessity of not infringing on other people’s desires to be free as well. Without the latter, any society built on the former will not succeed.

Although I would hope we would see more of the right-leaning philosophy on autonomy take hold, I’m not confident it will happen. Society today has made a lot of people self-absorbed and unconcerned about the plight of others (which, oddly enough, is kind of what motivated the CHOPpers to start their little social experiment in the first place). We have become so fractured and distant from people who live across the hall, across the street, or across the country that self-governance even on a small scale will be a flop of “Gigli”-esque proportions.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to appreciate those little moments of freedom that come not from a government or a warlord, but from the conscious decision to live my life as I see fit with an understanding of the implications of my decisions on others so I do as little harm to them as possible. At a time when we can’t get a chunk of the population to wear masks in public to protect others from possibly catching COVID-19, it’s important we balance rights and responsibilities for no other reason than because it’s the right thing to do for everyone involved. If you’re constantly looking out for number one, you invariably wind up as a piece of number two, if you know what I mean.

And speaking of number two, there will be a lot of that to clean up, literally and figuratively, from the CHOPping grounds, and it won’t be the CHOPpers who get to foot the bill. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from being a Leftist it’s they never think they have to pay for their failures, no matter how badly they’ve screwed everything up. They’re like the rowdy kids who will always come to a party, but leave right before it’s time to start the clean-up. To the Left, it’s the intentions that matter, not the results. Which is good for the CHOPpers because they accomplished exactly nothing. Bad cops are still out on the streets, good people are still getting murdered, theft and violent crimes continue, and CHOP turned out to be…well, the aforementioned “Gigli”-esque failure it was destined to be.

Personally, I would have liked to have seen what the CHOPpers would have done over the next couple of months, maybe even into the fall when temperatures drop and Seattle’s climate turns a bit cooler and wetter. Oh, well, I’m sure there will be another CHOP site somewhere that will provide me with more giggles. It’s only a matter of time before history repeats itself.