While you are enjoying the Super Bowl, the commercials, the food, and all of the pomp and circumstance, there is a genocide going on. Not in some foreign country, but rather our own shores.
Leftists, especially those of the LGBTQ1A+GWBJIBBAJABBA community, have been warning us of a trans genocide going on. Sounds pretty serious, doesn’t it? Certainly, if there’s a genocide against members of the trans community, we have to do something!
And I have chosen to write about it.
trans genocide
What the Left thinks it means – trans people being subjected to everything from discrimination to violence
What it really means – a term that conflates non-genocide with genocide for PR purposes
The first thing we need to do, aside from keeping our eyes from rolling because we’re talking about this general subject again, is define what a genocide is. Our good friends at Dictionary.com define it thus:
the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group
That makes trans genocide sound very serious. The problem? The numbers don’t match up to the rhetoric. According to a group that tracked violence against trans people from October 2022 to September 2023, there were 320 deaths. Compared to the 2.6 million trans people in America, the aforementioned deaths came out to a staggering 0.00012308% of the trans population. And when you consider other mitigating factors (race, whether they were sex workers, where the killing occurred), it gets harder to point to a definitive movement to eliminate trans people.
That’s when the Left changed the definition of “genocide” to include non-genocidy actions, like alleged marginalization and mean words. So, it’s not just the actual killing of trans people that counts, but anything they can perceive to be kinda sorta possibly a call for violence. And as we all know, trans people are known to be demure and serious, like Dylan Mulvaney.
For the Leftists reading this, that was sarcasm.
The reason for the expanded desecration…I mean definition is simple: to make as many people victims as possible. And it whips up enough hysteria to get people with TikTok-level attention spans upset and demanding action. And who gets to swoop in and show they care dammit? The Left! Funny how that works out, isn’t it?
What’s not so funny is the lack of action by Leftists to address the situation. Sure, they make a fuss to “raise awareness” of the issue, but that’s like a taking a squirt gun to a five alarm fire: it’s something, but it might as well be nothing. You know, like most of Puddin’ Head Joe’s policies?
But the trans activists are okay with nothing getting done because they don’t care about results as much as they care about being the center of attention. A demographic breakdown of the trans community last year found over half of them are under 35 years old. Now, that in and of itself isn’t particularly damning, until you consider the number of narcissists in that age group. With the advent of social media and the desire of young people to be seen, many young people thrive on being attention whores.
Including trans people.
Further complicating matters is the fact men tend to be more overt with their egos than females. Even if you’re a 6’9″ 389 pound former linebacker from the Midwest who goes by Camille and dresses like Scarlett Johansson cosplaying as the Hulk, the ego is still there and will always be there. Throw in the flamboyance that comes with high visibility trans people and you have a glittery yet toxic cocktail.
So what does this have to do with trans genocide? Turns out quite a bit due to, surprise surprise, ego. What’s better way to gain sympathy (i.e. attention) than to be the victim of something heinous? And with the Left willing to give them as much attention as possible and as much leeway to showcase and promote their lifestyle, it’s a match made in Hell packaged as a heavenly union.
This, of course, creates a copycat effect. Even if the worst thing a trans person encounters is being misgendered, it has the potential to turn him/her into victim, which can inspire others to look for offense in the tiniest of forms. And remember, you can only take offense. It doesn’t just exist in the world in free range cage free conditions. And if it did, it would be way overpriced at Whole Foods.
Let me make something crystal clear here. I don’t advocate for violence against anyone for any reason. Well, except if you cut me off in traffic. Then it’s on!
Seriously, though, no one should be targeted for violence because of their lifestyles. Yes, I know trans rights and transphobia are real things, but they’re not worth killing each other over. And they’re certainly not worth lying about to garner attention.
If the trans community wants me to believe there’s a trans genocide out there, I’m going to have to see evidence that can’t be explained away by other factors. It’s a bit like the COVID 19 death counts where the people who died with COVID were counted as deaths because of COVID. There is a distinction that makes all the difference.
Even if we accept the 320 number provided earlier as solely because the victims were trans, it’s not indicative of a trend or even a TikTok fad. Under the strictest (and most accurate) definition of the term, an actual genocide would involve many more deaths than 300+.
That’s why conflating genocide with what’s happening in the trans community is utterly damaging to the community itself. By inflating the numbers and watering down the definition to the point getting a trans person’s drink order wrong is “proof,” you gain victims, but lose credibility. Call it the Trans Boy Who Cried Wolf, if you will.
I would also take these folks more seriously if they spoke out against trans activists attacking other trans people who don’t agree with them. I mean, if trans genocide includes harsh words and death threats, wouldn’t those trans activists be engaging in…trans genocide? And what about the harsh words against former trans people who are detransitioning? More trans genocide, perhaps?
Hey, I don’t make the rules, folks. I just point them out to people unclear on what they are.
Ultimately, I want the same thing I want from any controversial topic: a rational discussion where the facts are laid out, no matter how ugly they are for one side or the other. With the kind of hysteria surrounding trans genocide, I’m afraid that’s not going to happen anytime soon. It’s okay, though. I can wait.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back into my cryogenic chamber and wake up in another 200 years. See you soon!