Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

I’ve followed Presidential politics for most of my life, so very little surprises me. But there are times when a new concept will make me take notice, sometimes because it’s so novel, other times because it’s so fucking stupid.

The 2024 election introduced such a concept. While watching a TikTok video of a Queen Kamala the Appointed supporter, I heard her repeating the phrase “red mirage, blue shift.” Naturally, I thought she was insane, but it intrigued me enough to look into it a bit further.

Turns out she might have been insane after all.

red mirage/blue shift

What the Left thinks it means – a phenomenon when a Republican candidate leads in the early polls only to lose support as the votes are counted

What it really means – a stupid ploy designed so Leftists get their hopes up

The concept of the red mirage and blue shift came into being in the 2020 election where Donald Trump lead in key battleground states, only to lose to President Brick Tamland as more votes were fabricated…I mean counted. I forgot, election denial is bad…or is it these days now Queen Kamala the Appointed got spanked? I guess we’ll find out soon.

Either way, the fact there are adults who placed so much faith in Donald Trump being so unpopular that he could never win the Presidency ever again that they invented a term to describe it is mind-blowing. And then to bring it back in 2024? I know Leftists believe in recycling, but shitty ideas should be left alone, not turned into a self-delusional mantra.

The core of the red mirage/blue shift idea is based on election uncertainty. With many elections, no one has a handle on who is ahead or behind, so there is a lot of guesswork by people paid way too much to be inaccurate. Yet, they are. There’s an entire cottage industry in political circles for people who make meteorologists look like Nostradamus, and they are paid well to come up with shit politicians, pundits, and media squawking heads take as gospel. What’s next, checking biorhythms, horoscopes, and tea leaves to see how Jethro G. Pigfucker is going to vote in the upcoming election for county dog catcher?

Given some of the politicians, pundits, and media squawking heads out there, I might have just figured out how they make their predictions.

Anyway, the point is there is too much emphasis being placed on a common phenomenon in politics. Nobody knows who is going to win for sure until all the votes are counted, and anyone who tells you differently is trying to sell you something, namely their prognostication abilities.

And while we’re here, the assholes who came up with the concept in 2020 sold Leftists a bill of goods not borne out by a little thing the kids like to call repetition. To put it mildly, the 2020 election was a clusterfuck of clusterfuckian proportions. It would have taken a lot to recreate the conditions that helped President Brick Tamland win the White House to help Queen Kamala the Appointed limp across the finish line.

And by a lot, I mean a lot of cheating…I mean vote counting.

Even though I think Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential election, I still think there was enough fuckery to question the results. I would have gone about it differently than the Trump Team did, mind you, but it’s not as outrageous as the Left would make it out to be. After all, they did it, too.

Regardless, there was a major problem the Left didn’t anticipate this year: Queen Kamala the Appointed is no President Brick Tamland. Say what you will about the man, he is charismatic. Dumb as a bag of hammers, but charismatic. Queen Kamala got the first half down, but didn’t bother to pick up the second half. Kinda hard to get a blue shift going when your candidate is less popular than an IRS agent with the Clap.

But the Left bought into Kamalamania…after saying she was dragging President Tamland down. And in doing so, they were heavily invested in the possibility a blue shift would come immediately following the red mirage. And as you might have guessed if you’ve been watching Leftists on social media, that didn’t happen. The possibility of Donald Trump getting and keeping a lead didn’t even cross their minds.

That’s the danger of believing so heavily in the red mirage/blue shift idea. It deludes people into thinking the tides of political fortune are so mercurial. Even in close elections, there is rarely a point where there is a fundamental shift that flips the results like we saw in 2020. It’s the political equivalent of a unicorn, only the unicorn doesn’t have the nuclear codes…that we know of

Hey, at least with the unicorn, we wouldn’t have to worry about someone accidentally starting World War III while thinking he or she was ordering a sandwich.

The point is the red mirage/blue shift isn’t a real thing, nor should it be considered one. It’s a fantasy dreamed up by people who want Leftists to win so badly that they’re willing to lie about its frequency to get voters’ hopes up that the Republican candidate can’t win. To those people and the Leftists who believe them, I have three words.

President Trump, bitches.

Author: Thomas

I'm a writer and a ranger and a young boy bearing arms. And two out of the three don't count.