Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

Conspiracy theories abound these days. Although most of them hold as much water as the new Uggs thermos, some of them have a basis in truth.

Recently, the idea of replacement theory became a Leftist talking point, as some Republicans have shown at least passing support for the idea. The Left pounced on this, calling the idea a conspiracy theory believed only by right-wing nuts. Since I’m allergic to those kinds of nuts, I figured I’d delve further into the subject.

replacement theory

What the Left thinks it means – a racist right-wing conspiracy theory that states whites are slowly being phased out by non-whites

What it really means – what the Left actually wants to do with whites other than themselves

Leftists have a love-hate relationship with whites, namely they love to hate them. And based on their version of history, who wouldn’t? Whites were responsible for slavery in America, misogyny, homophobia, toxic masculinity, environmental catastrophes, and, worst of all, voting Republicans into the White House. Having that much guilt on a person’s soul makes one more amenable to the idea that whites shouldn’t be involved in things anymore.

Well, at least if they weren’t Leftists. Then, they’ll be there in the background to make things work great because…well, I’m still trying to figure that part out, but the sentiment is there. And really, isn’t that what really counts?

Anyway, it cannot be overstated how the Left originated the concept and worked to bring it into practice. The really scary thing is how easily it’s been incorporated into other Leftist policy points without us knowing it.

Replacement theory states whites are slowly being replaced by non-whites through a series of factors, including decreasing white birth rates and illegal immigration taking jobs whites could do. And what has the Left been advocating? Open immigration, women waiting to have children until after they’ve succeeded in business, easy access to abortion, prohibiting law enforcement from checking on papers from suspected illegal immigrants, demanding more minority hires, just to name a few.

But remember, replacement theory is just a right-wing conspiracy with no basis in fact.

And thanks to the recent shooting in Buffalo, replacement theory has been brought front and center. The shooter’s manifesto mentioned replacement theory, so that gave the Left all the opportunity they needed to paint him as a right wing fanatic and to dismiss replacement theory as right wing nonsense. Of course, the shooter was a self-professed eco-fascist national socialist who took advantage of New York’s strict gun control laws to pick a target that fit his racist agenda. Of course, Leftists don’t want us to focus on those little details, only that replacement theory was referenced and the Left says it’s right wing in nature.

Thus, Leftists use one of their favorite tactics to avoid responsibility for their actions, projection. And let’s just say the Left uses more projection than an IMAX theater here and in other areas. While the Left attacks Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, and other favorite right wing whipping boys, the truth is far harder for them to swallow. So, instead of recognizing they’re wrong or that they had a hand in the problem, the Left blames others not even involved with the shooting for radicalizing the shooter. Mighty nice of them, don’t ya think?

Meanwhile, we still have to deal with the reality of replacement theory instead of passing it off as a partisan conspiracy theory. For that, we need to stand up to the racism of the Left, in large part due to the slings and arrows of outrageous Leftist name-calling. They will call you racist, white supremacist, Republican, MAGAt, or any number of disparaging names designed to minimize your effectiveness. Yes, they will sting emotionally and won’t match what you truly believe, but the best way to counteract that is to stand firm and remained unfazed by the Left’s attacks. It will confuse them and make them escalate to the point of insanity. Then, you win.

And that will hurt Leftists more than any arguments you can make against their accusations.

In the meantime, we need to curb the Left’s desire to marginalize whites, and one of the ways is simple: start fucking and having babies. Not just to reverse the declining white birth rates, but to freak out Leftists. Then, the next step is to become irreplaceable. I don’t mean sabotage others, but rather learn new skills that will apply to the modern workplace and society as a whole. And if the Left gives you pushback, tell them you identify as a minority and let them freak out even more!

And if that’s not enough to motivate you, nothing will!

Leftist Lexicon Word of the Week

Every so often, a story comes along that restores my faith in humanity. This one comes out of San Francisco, California, where there were three recall elections for members of their school board. Naturally, since they’re Leftists and in a city that leans to the left more than a base runner trying to avoid a pick off play, you might think they would have weathered the storm without issue.

Then, they got recalled, and it wasn’t even close. So, a happy ending!

Except when it came to the recalled board members, that is. One of them went so far as to blame white supremacy for her losing her position. After all, it couldn’t have been her shitty policies. It had to be those evil white supremacists!

I know we’ve covered this topic previously, but this past week has brought a renewed focus on the topic in areas where they really don’t belong. So, let me kick open a few doors where I don’t belong to shed some light on the subject.

white supremacy

What the Left thinks it means – a pervasive and perverse idea that has roots in every aspect of society

What it really means – an overused scapegoat that is thinner than Kate Moss on a coke binge

One of the great things about America is how diverse it is. Just as great is the fact most of the time we all get along pretty well. Sure, there are assholes who think the color of their skin makes them better than everyone else, but they don’t represent what the vast majority of the population thinks. Of course, the Left doesn’t believe that because a) they have a vested interest in keeping people at each others’ throats, b) they are out of touch with the people they claim to represent, and c) they’re dumbasses.

What the Left believes can be summed up in one word: victimhood. (The judges would have also accepted fuckery.) It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, if you have a skin color that is slightly darker than an albino George Hamilton, you’re a victim. And since President Donald Trump was a thing, the victimizers are white supremacists. Can’t get a mortgage loan? White supremacists. Public schools failing? White supremacists. Another Medea movie? Someone not telling Tyler Perry to knock it off, but I’m sure white supremacists are in there somewhere.

Even if you believe the Leftist narrative that white supremacy is all over the place (and, ironically enough, invisible), there is a point at which reality crashes the party. Going back to the San Francisco school board recall for a moment, the driving force behind the recall wasn’t a Karen or Kyle upset about Critical Race Theory; it was two Asian-American parents upset about the board being more interested in advancing an ideological agenda than in helping students advance in their education.

White supremacy, ladies and gentlemen!

Actually, that’s not too far off from what the Left believes right now. Any person of color who opposes the Left’s agenda is a tool of white supremacy, either wittingly or unwittingly. Larry Elder got called “the black face of white supremacy” in a totally unironic editorial because he was pushing for California Governor Gavin “I Make Jerry Brown Look Competent” Newsom to be recalled. The Freedom Convoy, which comprises drivers of many racial backgrounds, has been called a white supremacist movement.

Why, it’s almost as if Leftists don’t think non-whites can think for themselves!

But it gets even weirder, if you can believe that. A Leftist had a video go viral, and not in a good way, for arguing eating meat…is tied to white supremacy. Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached peak saturation of white supremacy. We can’t take any more of this shit.

This is the part where we have to ask whether white supremacy is as prevalent as the Left wants us to believe. If you look at things objectively (i.e. not listening to Leftist claptrap), it’s hard to agree with the Left’s observations. Many celebrities, athletes, and political figures look more like George Washington Carver than George Washington, and not surprisingly, most perpetuate the idea of victimhood. And, not surprisingly, the people who admire them buy into it because it coincides with what they believe and/or experience.

Yet, if white supremacy were as prevalent and powerful as the Left wants us to believe, how would the aforementioned celebrities, athletes, and political figures have become so prominent and beloved by people of all races? The Left will argue it’s because they’ve overcome white supremacy, but the reality is white supremacy isn’t as widespread nor as powerful as the Left wants us to believe. At this point, it’s become the go-to excuse for whenever the Left fails in their efforts or wants to undercut a popular movement that counters what they want.

And in both cases, it’s bullshit.

But here’s the surprise twist ending: the Left are projecting their own beliefs onto others so they can appear to be virtuous while hiding their racism in plain sight. Most of the people in positions of power within the Left are white. Most of the money used to fund Leftist efforts comes from whites. And even with groups like Black Lives Matter where blacks are seen as the leaders, the ones pulling all the strings are white.

Meanwhile, the people most negatively affected by this are throwing in their lots with the people who are keeping them down.

This isn’t to say there aren’t white supremacists out there who are convinced white makes right, but they tend to be much more visible and vocal about their intentions. As they always seem to say on crime shows, it’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for, and for some reason, the Left doesn’t want to talk about their own white supremacy. Funny thing, that.

Makes you wonder how Leftists can hear so many “racist dog whistles,” doesn’t it?