Social Distancing

The American Left wants to replace our Republic with “Democratic Socialism”. I guess if you add a nice buzzword to the type of Socialism it becomes better. Just like what happened in Germany in the 1930s. They added “National” to Socialism. But it still leads to the same end result. The death and misery of millions.

But the Left in the United States of America have a big obstacle to their plan. It’s the Constitution and the first 10 amendments commonly called the Bill of Rights. This document gets in the Left’s way all the time.

They know they can’t ignore it like they would in other nations. It’s too entrenched in the American psyche. And they can’t just get rid of it all together although some like the idea of calling for a Constitutional Convention to do just that.

So they have to go about it subtly instead. Just as the Left has been attacking the 2nd Amendment for decades by adding restrictions here and there in the name of safety. It still violates the Constitution as the wording is quite clear in the last clause which states clearly that our rights to bear Arms shall not be infringed. Yet they are infringed upon more and more every year.

But now with the Covid-19 outbreak. The Left is again trying a new tactic. Again in the name of safety which is their common rally cry. We see that the 1st Amendment is being eroded.

The freedoms of Press and Speech are under attack. One cannot say certain phrases or hold certain beliefs and make them public. Such as Covid-19 isn’t as deadly as the Leftist media machine has broadcasted. And that Western Civilization is the greatest culture ever to grace God’s Earth. Both of these are crime-think and you will be attacked for it.

With “lock downs”, quarantining the healthy, and practicing “social distancing” the Left has effectively limited the right of the people to peaceably assemble. To attempt to assemble in large numbers, even for recreation and worship (a violation of the freedom of religion clause). We are subject to detainment, arrest, and court costs.

The Left never planned to take America by force. But by subtle manipulation over time. The paper trail warning us of this plan was written decades ago by Soviet leaders and by American Leftists, like Saul Alinsky, Frank Marshall Davis, and many others.

And that plan continues. One by one our rights are infringed and stripped away. Just to see what we put up with and unfortunately many put up with far more than what they should. And the Left gains more ground.

Author: chris

Chris is a follower of Jesus Christ. A technologist. And a believer in the words of the US Constitution being the 2nd most important document ever written. He plays, runs, and creates various table top role playing games and is collector of dice.