Project 2025: What They Don’t Want to Tell You!

Although my hetero lifemate Chris did a fantastic job at discussing Project 2025 in a recent post, I wanted to weigh in a bit more on this subject, too. In the land of social media, there was a lot of buzz surrounding what was in this evil plan to take over America and turn it into a dystopian nightmare (even though it didn’t happen the first time Donald Trump was President), but now it’s super-duper-serious! There’s actually…a plan!!!!!!

Over the past several months, I have compiled a number of statements about Project 2025 and what it will totally definitely do once Donald Trump makes it official. What I’m about to list are actual statements made by people who at least resemble adults. Parental discretion is advised.

End No Fault Divorce

Complete ban on abortions without exceptions

Ban contraceptives

Additional tax breaks for the 1% and corporations

Higher taxes for the working class

Elimination of unions and worker protections

Raise the retirement age

Cut Social Security

Cut Medicare

End the Affordable Care Act

Raise prescription drug prices

Eliminate the Department of Education

Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools

End free and discounted school lunch programs

End civil rights and DEI protections in government

Ban African American and gender studies in all levels of education

Deregulate big business and the oil industry

Promote and expedite capital punishment

End marriage equality

Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”

Defund the FBI and Homeland Security

Use the military to break up domestic protests

Mass deportation of immigrants and incarceration in “camps”

End birth right citizenship

Ban Muslims from entering the country

Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing justices

Connected to Donald Trump

End programs that address climate change

End public education

Persecute LGBTQ+ Americans

Encourage racial discrimination

Mass deportation and reduce immigration

Insert Christian Nationalist ideology into the mainstream

Give unchecked power to the President

Restrict IVF access

Family separation

Muslim ban

Tax cuts for the ultra wealthy

Replace civil servants with MAGA loyalists

Guns in classrooms

Order prosecution of political opponents

Pardon January 6 insurrectionists

Pathway for Trump to become permanent dictator

Put Medicare on the path to privatization

Repeal President Biden’s drug price negotation program

Threaten Medicare coverage

Reverse the Biden Administration’s student debt relief efforts

Withdraw from the UN Framework Convention on climate change and the Paris Climate Agreement

Repeal the Inflation Reduction Act

Shred greenhouse gas regulations and gut clean energy programs

Replace the WH climate advisor with someone focused on boosting fossil fuels

Give Trump the power to reject all climate science research directed by the Biden Administraiton

Gut the federal workforce and install loyalists

Allow Trump to deploy the military against American citizens

Allow ICE to conduct raids at schools, churches, hospitals, playgrounds, and other sensitve areas

Make federal government establish marriage between a man and a woman
Withdraw federal anti-discrimination protections for transgender students

Reimplement Trump’s transgender military ban and expel transgender service members

Reverse the FDA’s approval of abortion medication
Invoke the Comstock Act to ban the shipment of abortion pills

Compel states to report the “reason” for every abortion performed

Allow states to ban employers from providing health benefits that cover abortion care

Eliminate the Department of Education

Use public funds to pay for private religious schools

Encourage Christian indoctrination through public schools

Dismantle Civil Rights and DEI protections at all level of government

Eliminate no fault divorce

Total ban on abortions regardless of viability or health of the mother

Ban all contraceptives

Ban African American and Gender studies at all levels of education

Tax cuts for major corporations and 1% while increasing taxes on the rest

Eliminating unions and all worker protections

Eliminating all climate protections

Encourages arctic drilling

Eliminating regulations of big business and oil

Raise retirement age

Eliminate Social Security for the elderly and disabled

Promotes capital punishment and the speedy “finality” of such sentences

Condemns single mothers while encouraging “traditional families”

Only recognize traditional families by overturning Obergefell v Hodges in attempts to eliminate LBGTQIA community

Dismantling the FBI and Homeland Security

Use of military to break up protests

Eliminating Head Start and the free/discounted school lunch program

Banning books and curriculum regarding slavery

Forcing immigrants to be deported or held in camps and ends birth right citizenship

Banning Muslims from entering the country

Dismantles the FDA, EPA, NOAA, and more

Pack the Supreme Court with extreme far-right judges

Funding decrease for the DOJ

Dismantling the DOC

Dismantling the DHS

Eliminate independence for the FCC and FTC

Terminate DEI programs

Implement “unitary executive theory” expand the power of the President

Restructure and repurpose the DOJ

Replace career federal employees with hand-picked loyalists

Reverse FDA approval of Mifepristone

Rename HHS “Department of Life”

Add work requirements to receive Medicaid

Condemn single motherhood and same-sex marriage

Eliminate the terms “sexual orientation,” “diversity, equality, and Inclusion,” “gender equality,” “abortion” and “reproductive rights” from all laws and federal regulations

Terminates the Constitution

Guts democratic checks and balances on Presidential power

Ban President Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure law

Cease support for international organizations that promote LBGTQ+ equality

Stopping cybersecurity efforts to combat mis- and disinformation

Deprioritize DACA

Abolish the Gender Policy Council

Cutting ties with China

Reversing protections against discrimination in housing.

Tracking potential employees’ opinions

Employers can cut or eliminate overtime

Pretty extensive list. I will warn you there may be duplicates because a) there are so many ways to phrase the same thing, and b) Leftists aren’t that imaginative.

As I promised in the title, I am going to tell you something they don’t want you to know about Project 2025. Brace yourselves because I’m about to drop a truth bomb on you.

Almost everything the Left tells us about Project 2025 is complete bullshit.

I’ll give you a moment to catch your breaths.

Ready? Here we go.

One of the most common traits of each of the things said about Project 2025 listed above (and others that I didn’t catch) is the lack of attribution. Out of the claims I posted, only 1 gave a page number. And since I had a handy-dandy copy of the Project 2025 document, I was able to look up the page number and read what the poster claimed was there. And, surprise surprise, it wasn’t. It was a gross misrepresentation of what the document actually said.

That means the vast majority of claims made were made without a page number, just a “trust me, bro” as its attribution. So, when I looked for the verbiage used in the claims and came up emptier than a Kamala Harris victory party, that was a huge red flag that the post was utter bullshit. To borrow a phrase from the late Christopher Hitchens:

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

That may have worked well for Mr. Hitchens, but I’m more of a research nut, so I took the additional (and, admittedly, unnecessary) effort to look it up myself. Then, I could say what I found, point to what section(s) I read, and give more attribution than the poster could muster.

And, as you might expect, that wasn’t met with respect and an honest appreciation for finding the facts. Let’s just say the people I interacted with were on a really long boat trip in Egypt. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the Left was…lying.

I’m kidding. Of course I know they were lying, but they don’t want to tell you that. Hence the title.

And with that, we’ve come full circle! I love it when a blog post comes together.

Author: Thomas

I'm a writer and a ranger and a young boy bearing arms. And two out of the three don't count.