Mass Shootings

The number of mass shootings in the US has skyrocketed in the 2 years that Biden has been President vs the previous 4 years of a Republican presidency. You would think the opposite would be true, the way the mainstream media spins stories.

There should be more mass shootings when a Republican is in office and when that party controls Congress. Since we all know that the Republican party is the party of the gun lobby. Old West style shootouts should be the norm on every street, every day, in every city of America.

Except we don’t. Mass shootings actually decline under a Republican controlled government in the US and only increase when the anti-2nd Amendment Democratic Left gets into power.

This would seem strange if one believed that these mass murderers were all Republican, pro-2nd Amendment gun owners, and “right-wing” conspiracy nuts, who just want to shoot and kill something. But this has never been the case in any mass shooting in American history.

Every mass shooting event has been perpetrated by a Leftist who hates the United States and the Constitution. And usually is found with some kind of manifesto that is pure garbage and anti-American. They are all terrorists and seek to end the United States as a free Republic.

Under a Republican controlled administration, which has always believed in law & order and justice. These Leftists plot, plan, and wait until the political tide shifts and another Democratic administration comes into power.

The Democratic Party in the US has shifted further and further Left every cycle since its inception. They will use the tools of a free republic to destroy it from within.

And the masses of useful idiots will demand the systematic dismantling of the Republic and Liberty in the name of safety. Something our Founding Fathers warned us about.

This is why there have been so many different mass shootings in America since Biden took office. The goal is to destroy the 2nd Amendment and disarm the people.