I just love the Left. They are so ignorant to reality they create these memes that just show just how out of touch they can be with the world.

This one I’ve chosen because of personal reasons which I’ll get to of course. But it is supposed to be what is happening because of the scamdemic of Covid-19. Which this author does not subscribe to at all.
But we will look at the grade school world of cooties. Every boy knows you get cooties from girls. Especially touching a girl. Ewwwwwwwww.
I guess I didn’t learn that lesson back in grade school. I liked girls then. And I like girls now. Holding hands, hugging, and especially kissing. That is a sure way to get cooties.
Considering I had a girlfriend way back in grade school meant that I didn’t care about cooties then. And I also don’t care about cooties now either for that matter. I will happily get a case of cooties even today.
So the Leftist meme is just plain dumb ass. Try something better because there hasn’t ever been a good one to go along with the scamdemic.