Oh where to begin with this AOC Leftist nonsense. Might as well start at the top.

Bailing out anything is not the responsibility of the government. I am from a farm state. Our primary industry is agriculture. Bailing out farms is not being fair. We shouldn’t subsidize farmers for any reason.
Banks, like any other industry, are not too big to fail. If they do stupid business practices. They should FAIL. That would be far better for our economy than preventing the banks from failing.
Giving trillions to billionaires? Isn’t that making them trillionaires? But of course this is false trap statement of the Left’s war on economic classes. In relationship to the evil of income tax.
So that’s the top taken care of lets look at the bottom half of this completely backwards meme.
First of all Vets. There is no hand out to veterans. They should get taxpayer funded health care, education, housing, and everything else under the sun. They signed the dotted line and elected to pay the ultimate price if necessary for our Freedom and Liberty. Honor them all. If they need assistance, give it to them.
Homeless people. Here society is upside down. The Left wants government to do the job of the Church. And the Church is letting them. So no money from taxpayers should be going to this at all. Get the government out of it.
Insurance for the sick. Isn’t that like getting fire insurance on your house AFTER it has burned down. It doesn’t work that way. I have other posts where things need to change for the insurance and medical industry. Again this isn’t the job of the government so no taxpayer money should be going to this either.
Food for children. Here again we have reversed roles in society. The government has taken over the jobs of the Church. We need to fix this and have the Church do it’s job so government can do it’s job too. Again no taxpayer funds being sent here.
Social Security for the Elderly. Wait a minute. Aren’t we all paying FICA tax for this? Of course though this socialist utopia idea never counted on longer lifespans and an explosion of an elderly population. Here again this is something the government and taxpayer money shouldn’t be going too. This is personal responsibility or the responsibility of the Church or family if the elderly are having trouble.
And that sums it all up. The Leftist meme is always promoting socialism and trying to use emotion to say your rational thinking. Don’t be a useful idiot.