Leftists and their useful idiot masses who blindly follow them are known to have double standards. The Left can say and do what it wants but the Right is not allowed to defend itself or even address any issues.
Even if the Left asks for a reasoning. Anything that the Right says will be taken out of context, attacked, ridiculed, and eventually expunged. Here is another great example of this in full Social Media action.
During the Vice President debate the other evening between Vice President Pence and Senate Kamala Harris, a fly had landed on the Vice President’s stark white hair. We all know that flies can be very annoying. Dive-bombing and otherwise. It is not uncommon at all.
The Left went on a rampage attack against Vice President Pence after this fly incident. Calling him in multiple circles a “piece of shit.” And that is just wrong.
So I wrote a Facebook post about it … this is what I wrote:
Again I am appalled. I see a number of posts across Social Media that references the fly incident in the VP debate. And all people can say is that Vice President Pence is a Piece of Shit which is why the fly landed on him.
I find this appalling. And no matter what false moral high ground one thinks they are taking by uttering such language. It doesn’t reflect on the Vice President at all. It surely shows the character, or lack there of, with the person posting such comments.
No human being is a piece of shit. We are all created in the image of God. You can disagree with politics but to refer to another person in such language is wrong on so many levels. It just makes my blood boil.
If you are one of those who have degraded themselves with such language. Take a good hard look in the mirror and reflect on what is rotten in your own soul. And pray to God for forgiveness.
As you can see. It was short and to the point. It didn’t attack anyone. And it lets those that did attack the Vice President that they really need to look inside of themselves to find what darkness as crept in on their lives.
Of course this wasn’t the end of it. Oh no. Not by a long shot. So here is the further attack and derangement of the Left after I posted the above.

In our first block. The Leftist, which I don’t think is a true leftist just someone who has been pushed down the wrong path too long ago. I still hold out hope for deliverance here.
But we can see the author of the post is wondering why Conservative’s believe it is OK for President Trump (name misspelled above as an insult) to call Senator Harris a “monster” but it’s not OK to call Vice President Pence a POS.
If you notice the post got Likes and Laughs too. Nothing else.

A conversation in part between the original author and the first person to respond to the post, another lost soul thinking that no one would respond at all. And the original poster responding back after I did post an answer the the inquiry. But notice it too is being laughed at.
So then here is my response back. And unlike the other screenshots. I’m not hiding my name from it. No need to do so. I don’t need to protect the post from attack any more.

I did a great job I think defending the position of why it’s OK to call someone a Monster but not OK to address someone as a POS. Of course there on my post, I got 2 Laughs. It wasn’t taken seriously at all.
And the original poster slashed back with “I hear an excuse.” And that translated from the Left means. It doesn’t matter what you say.
And then we have the final post on this thread.

Here another Leftist issues a direct attack against me. The standard MO because they have no ground to stand on. They must resort to personal attacks. If a Conservative were to use the same tactic. Of course the Left would attack them back for making a personal attack. It’s part of the 2 sides of Leftists.
I find it sad and disheartening that such ignorance runs through the world. The Left cannot debate anything because they have nothing to stand on. No moral ground, no reason. It’s all raw emotion without logic and without thought.