This is the time of D-Day celebrations when the US lead the Allied invasion of Nazi occupied Europe. The Left is taking this opportunity to re-write history in their twisted image with several perverted memes.
I have seen at least half a dozen of these so far this past week on Social Media. All of them are presenting a false narrative. All of them pervert history. All of them dishonor those brave soldiers who gave everything on D-Day.
Here is just one of these perverted discussing memes:

This meme and others like it want to project the notion that those brave soldiers who fought oppression in the 2nd World War were Antifa.
Including a meme that presents President Eisenhower in his General’s uniform that states Republicans were once Antifa. But none of the soldiers, or their commanders, or any Republican has ever been Antifa because of what Antifa really is all about.
Lets see who the real Antifa was during this period of history and who they are now as well. This will clearly show why the memes are false.
The original Antifa, Antifaschistische Aktion, was a militant arm of the German Communist Party in the 1930’s. They clashed on the streets of Berlin and other German cities against other Marxist groups and against the National Socialists. This group went underground after the 1933 elections which swept the Nazi’s into power.
The modern Antifa, is a direct descendant of the original. Today it is still a Leftist militant movement. That uses violence and terrorism to make its point. It is pro-communist, pro-Marxist, and anti-capitalist.
The heroes of the 2nd World War were none of these things. They are anti-Marxist, anti-communist, and pro-capitalist. Which is part of the backbone of the United States of America. They would never resort to terrorism to achieve a political aim.
Every Republican is against fascism and any other Leftist form of government or society. But never Antifa as that glorifies Marxism and communism. And the Left always wants to re-write history to make themselves out to be the hero.
This has happened in every socialist, communist, fascist, monarchist, and Islamist state that has ever been created by the evils of man. And Antifa wants it to happen here.